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廿二月的个人空间 http://www.edmontonchina.ca/?121964 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


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Shixuan 2017-6-13 20:02
Excuse me ,it's Soybean milk machine,is it still there? I need it. Please
Shwy68@yahoo.com, thank you
ogle 2013-6-23 06:46
3934, 76 street, Edmonton nw. pls call 780-270-3161 before coming.
summer_tina 2012-9-4 17:22
廿二月: 没有信用记录不能办啊……唉
summer_tina 2012-9-3 19:46
廿二月: Tina,那个WIND每月29块钱的套餐是不是不送手机啊?必须要已经有智能手机了才行的吧?我上wind mobile的网站上看了下,好像没提送手机。我的手机还是最普通的功能 ...
有送的,去mall里面看,有0dollar一个月的。我刚给朋友办了一个,三星galaxy Q的,虽然屏幕小一点,不过你刚来的,如果没信用记录的话,恐怕不行。
新月张 2012-8-24 06:20
廿二月: one of the friends offers me a space for temporary stay.

thank you so much all the same. you r so kind~
You are welcome .
Contact me at
Arc868@gmail.com ( or I can call you if you give me your telephone #?)
If you need help that I can.
By the way,
My eyes still have the infection ,
I bought 眼药水 in my uncle's office in BeiJing.
Could you help me bring It  from Beijing to U of A?
新月张 2012-8-23 13:24
Free offer in my living room if you still can not find room .
And if you don't mind my located is far away to U of A.


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