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楼主: playball

[聊天灌水] 加拿大职业工程师考试--一起切磋

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-16 19:53 | 显示全部楼层
* v% E+ Z- X! a你说要切磋交流,我就把知道的说出来。
" ]! @' f4 d. k5 E1 F% s% |/ N# \# ^) m$ ]- L
哎,信不信由你,但这是事实。而且包括最近一期考过的。# v' W2 i7 Z) H! J' L! l. @0 [( I
# D! Z- v, P; i+ r) w. q5 `9 V
  F: W  P+ |) e5 v1 H好吧,算我无聊多事,OK?!!!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-16 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Homework 于 2008-11-16 19:53 发表 2 g8 l* U: g/ Y' d+ I
& A' E9 Z' a4 H0 `8 Z* a你说要切磋交流,我就把知道的说出来。
1 k. g" A7 E+ |1 J& G
* v+ Y) V7 v, Q) l1 m哎,信不信由你,但这是事实。而且包括最近一期考过的。
8 j2 R; f7 ^5 \, R8 I或许你准备得太仔细、太充分了。
9 J' P7 g9 N1 @0 Q9 J- W
( h: h1 o2 a! l( O: _好吧,算我无聊多事,OK?!!!
$ R2 E, q) y! P$ h* Z: Y+ e. |/ _1 K
& I' Z1 s  g. m! v
前面有人提到过,如果正常上班,利用晚上和周末的时间学习,两个月的准备时间足够了! 这个是客观的评价!
; g' v1 u" Y! Z对于脱产准备考试的,全职学习,甚至还参加什么培训班的, 我个人觉得也得个十天半月吧!  m3 W" n. {) t, U0 [" u9 j/ R; [
当然,前提都是认真对待,仔细准备,静心学习。" }8 r6 b/ R! h
怎么样,我说的客观么?   v& y0 E/ l+ ^" Z- w( p% f% ]

' j% X. h/ K8 m8 ~$ r至于为什么大家都过了呢, 原因大家都知道,咱就不说了!何况这个考试的目的不是要把你考倒!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-16 21:25 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-18 21:08 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
求购APEGGA---NPPE考试材料( `! n* e7 R) r& d; D% n, C
I am planning to write this exam next January. However I did not get the relative textbooks now.
6 F' m: B( f( LSo if you guys have any used ones and want to sell them, please send me a message. Thanks.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-19 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 penn26 于 2008-11-18 21:08 发表 9 e  \, Y( U  W0 S  w$ J, \
, h& H% O5 l" D" `! c; X* Y4 ?I am planning to write this exam next January. However I did not get the relative textbooks now. 4 E# @1 p) ^: `" J! b. }1 F. O
So if you guys have any used ones and want to sell them, please send me a  ...
7 e! C/ H: i; m5 O  \

( O) u6 k: Q3 Y* w7 Q* ?9 Vyou can buy the whole materials from APEGGA for your NPPE exam. Why not?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-20 00:13 | 显示全部楼层
, t* T. A0 W' I  P另请教过来人:申请PE的工作经历中,若国内工作经历的推荐人无non-generic的电子邮箱,apegga将邮寄Reference Questionnaire到推荐人的工作单位,请问一般在申请人递交申请材料后,国内的推荐人多久可以收到该工作经历的调查问卷?多谢!
鲜花(31) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-11-20 14:37 | 显示全部楼层
借贴问一下关于学校成绩单和学位证明的事。我的本科和硕士是在国内读的。成绩单需要翻译成英语吗?还有就是关于98-CS-1, 98-CS-2 and 98-CS-3这三门课,请问你们都是怎么写的课程描述。我的学校是个不出名的小学校,在学校网站上根本没有课程描述相关的内容。谢谢!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-20 19:07 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 penn26 于 2008-11-20 00:13 发表 $ m' z; x! T1 Q# ]4 R6 L+ ^
先谢谢楼上的答复,不太想花150刀在那些以后用不到的资料上。: q) N% u9 y& @" u
另请教过来人:申请PE的工作经历中,若国内工作经历的推荐人无non-generic的电子邮箱,apegga将邮寄Reference Questionnaire到推荐人的工作单位,请问一 ...

+ i- w" v2 x+ \: A* Z) `9 _9 C- K' f9 y4 J- i5 B/ @: ?
If your reference email address is not non-generic, your reference does not have positive effect on your application. I guess APEGGA will not contact with your reference at all.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-20 19:13 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小眼睛精灵 于 2008-11-20 14:37 发表
( C# w+ e3 y4 s' V+ {" N$ D7 [借贴问一下关于学校成绩单和学位证明的事。我的本科和硕士是在国内读的。成绩单需要翻译成英语吗?还有就是关于98-CS-1, 98-CS-2 and 98-CS-3这三门课,请问你们都是怎么写的课程描述。我的学校是个不出名的小学校, ...

6 A, p( P( Z/ M* r2 t3 S5 H1 u! t
4 s' {. J0 K7 F; ]& jif your university is not on the qualification board, you will be asked to take two more professional course exams. Your transcripts should be in english for readable. Please see details on www.apegga.ca website.) R# u* h* M5 B" n8 M" b

6 f! Y2 d+ C* ?% ~1 W; e, _) y, Zif you take those courses 98-CS-1, 98-CS-2 and 98-CS-3, you need to provide the course syllabus directly from university website. But from your words, I personally feel you will have to take at lease one of them.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-20 19:14 | 显示全部楼层
Once APEGGA received your application materials, they will contact with your reference ASAP.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-12 11:52 | 显示全部楼层

NPPE Exam Questions

1. Which of the following is the correct name of a provincial trial court? 4 H7 N1 G+ ^7 k; A) H
    A. Saskatchewan Supreme Court 3 [- k2 f7 f- h$ l  o$ Q3 ]- Y
    B. Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench
6 a" l! ~8 G+ t    C. Alberta Supreme Court - u3 Z* ]( {. @$ X0 k# F+ I
    D. Ontario Court of Queen's Bench
9 [& P0 \7 h  x3 R- _
( e( N4 F5 A. ^0 h+ n' e0 Q# h1 \2. In order to practise as a consulting structural engineer in Ontario, the engineer must be a member of which of the following bodies?
) h# a  G, j- D2 P7 V     A. Canadian Portland Cement Association
: ]5 h/ |7 h: Q* k6 N2 t     B. Canadian Society of Civil Engineering . I1 j& S* i6 U9 }/ h5 L' E6 U
     C. none of the above 1 l( R4 y) {  s# u; _2 V7 O& i
     D. Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-12 12:50 | 显示全部楼层
3. Whose interest should an architect of record put first when deciding on a claim for extras by a contractor?
0 ^6 v. O" J4 [8 s9 u     A. the architect's insurer, who will have to pay if the architect is found at fault for the extra 1 v* o. ]1 w7 P
     B. the contractor who has already completed the additional work
- t0 [/ L7 O  q; ?     C. none of the above
, x1 A- ~% E; L: C     D. the owner (the architect's client
鲜花(1535) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-12-12 13:33 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 penn26 于 2008-11-20 00:13 发表 9 g& v2 T/ W* e0 Z. p2 k" v% u
先谢谢楼上的答复,不太想花150刀在那些以后用不到的资料上。8 i: L$ P+ ]5 m2 q8 n
另请教过来人:申请PE的工作经历中,若国内工作经历的推荐人无non-generic的电子邮箱,apegga将邮寄Reference Questionnaire到推荐人的工作单位,请问一 ...

7 b; V4 l* t! N1 R- m6 M/ L/ R. Q3 e: G' r/ Y
2-3 weeks~
鲜花(3323) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-12-12 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
哇噻~~才知道猪兄是普若熬费神诺恩醉聂耳啊。。。$ f' _9 }( J; y2 x
* `5 O$ c( B% J( L( d% F
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-12 15:44 | 显示全部楼层
4. Your neighbour digs a big hole and part of your land collapses into that hole. Which of the following best describes your legal position? , ~8 t5 h! z! V4 y6 ]4 {0 t
     A. your neighbour has effectively stolen your soil. You can sue to recover the soil   O0 c( @! ^5 i+ k% n
     B. you are liable for allowing your soil to trespass onto your neighbour's property
3 p$ Q  j  U% H0 z% I4 K     C. you have no legal remedy because your neighbours have the right to use their land as they wish and cannot be held accountable for the natural consequences of gravity
+ E" r# F5 Z. _# i# l' ]. m$ W     D. your neighbour has an obligation to retain lateral support to your property. You can sue for the damage
& ^" O% N! [; _2 |. t& k) F 2 A9 y+ g5 p/ m* v8 f
5. You own land alongside the ocean. Which of the following can you certainly not do without permission from the government? 3 K0 H% b  r" [: I" e
    A.  build a shed 25m back from the shoreline, in which you intend to store kayaks 9 s/ \6 N9 M9 r8 L1 [1 R8 D% H  R- r
    B.  build a well 50m back from the shoreline, from which you intend to pump water
$ f/ V5 g: X/ Z% k# L    C.  build a small patio in front of the shed, from which to admire the ocean * `4 l6 z) B  ^/ p8 ], F: A& q
    D.  build a pier 20m out into the ocean, from which to launch your kayaks / v; Y3 A) q6 C; _# R# {
! L* v3 u  m$ A% l) u2 k
6. Which of the following is true about licenses?
8 M0 Q& u$ Z9 G! `9 @    A.  licenses generally grant more rights than leases & k  y5 e9 a  M; m# d) r' g! z$ m7 {
    B.  a license can be used to grant a right of access
+ x( D0 F9 [) E3 @    C.  a license is more permanent than an easement : z# ^9 }  K: y& J2 D
    D.  licenses run with the land
, A, ?+ s5 t8 k4 |& O0 W8 _. o+ C. c' r; u% I* p1 I
7. Which of the following would be a violation of the author's moral rights in a statue of the Queen of England?
* o( u' Z$ r# A1 d6 U    A.  dressing the statue in a Santa outfit
) P, c( v. Q; t. U5 D    B.  moving the statue into a basement
% T+ C6 Z5 ~! l, w* |    C.  moving the statue outdoors
1 Z, h5 \/ ^7 R. L    D.  stealing the statue
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-12 15:54 | 显示全部楼层
8. What type of law would protect an idea that is a new way to bake a cake?
( x/ \+ ?1 D" ]2 v: a  X. F( \' x$ A. k
A. Patent   B. trademark    C. copyright   D. intellectual design
鲜花(1535) 鸡蛋(28)
发表于 2008-12-12 16:09 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 浪里黑条 于 2008-12-12 14:21 发表 " }% \9 u- F* M+ ^% P
哇噻~~才知道猪兄是普若熬费神诺恩醉聂耳啊。。。- R! {0 M( @: i' h# w/ G" p
" @; G: s. {5 G. \

0 M' p4 G) e: n: [  R. T
% I7 b) v1 P% L- u& P  z扑蕊普若熬费神诺恩醉聂耳
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-13 12:18 | 显示全部楼层
9. Who owns an unpublished design drawing?
9 S) V% w' f! C$ u7 T5 ]& Z: R* y1 b" j6 E' }
A. the originator (i.e., design engineer)& f) P# f) H" E- P8 {: i
B. the party who makes the copy of the drawing; i) [( N+ F- ]
C. the client who hired the engineer to do the design
5 D3 s, y* U0 m. f7 ND. None of the above
/ A/ w' q7 U# Q" A. e0 ]9 \, h0 v1 v* `0 U" u; S! D
10. What is the purpose of a patent?
: y2 V0 H( r5 e% a. W& L+ N% A& _- T* N/ ^' a) u
A. to protect the idea that an inventor came up with;! p9 v  M! @+ n7 O9 ]+ m( w. S. \
B. to protect the expression of an idea;- X* e7 x# Z' r( C, N
C. to prevent a person from copying a drawing;5 M2 R' W  D9 Y. O
D. None of above
) j& t+ F. p+ t6 D/ z9 K$ }+ x3 f7 Z) C+ a5 R
11. In the absence of a partnership agreement, which of the following is true regarding the ability of a partnership to enter into contracts?
8 B3 L7 A* U4 {+ ]   A.   any of the partners can enter into contracts on behalf of the partnership
9 {1 o# i2 Z; v6 C) Q1 e7 c' ?   B.   only the senior partner can enter into contracts
3 G1 A) o* T8 G/ n# q3 r   C.   none of the above
5 b6 p5 u( ?: Y! |/ T   D.   all partners must agree before the partnership enters into a contract
& C6 e( C, j3 v: z$ Z# g
' g: {8 U/ O9 g. X2 T8 J4 L12. Which of the following is not a valid corporate designation? + N, T1 j$ D( I7 G
    A.  Pty. - d: @& I0 ]0 {* M. V! B
    B.  Corporation 2 ~/ [: l+ R' V. ]1 Z& M1 w
    C.  Corp. 5 _. _. R# d( r+ F! \$ F
    D.  Inc.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-13 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
13. In a corporation, directors are not perrsonally liable for which of the following?
+ T% F9 J# t. G# p4 q
! Q9 o+ Z) q2 m4 Y% A3 p- x5 TA. Unpaid wages of the corporation
4 `3 a$ U( x; o0 ]; \. l$ w6 Z1 tB. Breach of trust committed by the corporation under a construction lien statute;
9 `! S  H6 s1 ]& E1 pC. Unpaid rent for the corporation's offices;: \% @1 c3 T* l+ T( Q* _7 f  T! D, j
D. Unpaid taxes of the corporation.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-13 21:11 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-14 17:24 | 显示全部楼层
14. A contract is said to be a 'legally enforceable promise.' However, a court will refuse to enforce a contract if the following is true:7 y1 |! a* I( w% s

+ o7 Z* T* d% w1 Y% B$ C8 |4 XA. it is an obviously bad business deal for one of the parties;/ K4 u) \% p+ x
B. the purpose of the contract is illegal;
8 h. x# @" j' J4 f) w. x+ gC. Neither A nor B;+ W* ~& B0 P. h: @+ }$ a
D. Both A and B
, u: p% C, c: W2 P& J2 h! {& Z5 c  _. r- B
15. 'Consideration' is best defined as the following:
7 k; R- A! a4 f  H- b# b5 ~! l7 p: ?! Y0 Y3 K  [
A. one party doing a favor for the other party;( c5 D0 D' a# Y% H/ g
B. money paid by one party to another party;
0 n; [; |$ Z% B" AC. something of value that is exchanged or given by a party;
4 w6 I4 a) ?$ L) h5 _D. the thought process that a party goes through in deciding to enter the contract.9 F% T2 B1 I7 _2 H% }% }8 h) }) X
) k. @0 r7 r0 u2 F
16. What of the following is an enforceable contract?
( j' j1 m6 E2 Z5 M; E, @ 3 L7 m) x# P1 D: X, J
A.  one that is in writing ! g1 m; Z: ?+ G7 I
B.  one that a court will uphold
- F7 r; U; N, r6 e0 S  G7 TC.  one that expressly gives the parties a right to sue for breach of the contract
7 \% k1 Q) K: i) ~/ A4 U' rD.  one that was formed by the agreement of both parties . ~" _5 K( N2 k) z

, P3 B8 m- m7 i) E# F17. Which of the following best defines duress? - V" X: ^7 G$ g$ [- r( s! }9 c; E

3 d# v! ]. z6 t+ [; H* o$ t5 M5 PA.  obtaining a contract using threats
, y: L0 m7 ?4 t8 JB.  a coercion of will so as to vitiate consent ; m* v3 x8 @. Q7 j. x$ W! \! q+ H% v6 b: `
C.  unfairly stating one's financial need for a contract
' W" E1 X) r- d( X: D3 p5 M: ED.  extreme pressure in negotiation
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-14 17:49 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 Homework 于 2008-11-16 19:06 发表
1 Z0 O) a' ^  y& W6 H0 r) |% X据我所知,最近三年中,我认识的中国人里还没有没考过的。当然他们都认真准备,花的时间不是很长,平均四天到九天。
" h6 S( T2 K' y5 j! P7 c
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-14 19:06 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 lovetheworld 于 2008-12-14 17:49 发表
9 S, S, }) K. c6 D/ `  C- |4 v1 O$ g3 y- Y2 S( `

+ o  F! C5 f1 {' L% v0 a( A6 V" [4 {1 m
  k) [% `7 l1 f; x! Y! ]+ S' ~! \; k
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-14 19:51 | 显示全部楼层
对于咱们英语不是强项的人来说,不要求快,肯定能做完的。 有纯老外,1个小时不到就交卷了,不要受影响,要把2个小时充分用完。一般会有时间提示的,最后15分钟会有人再提示一次。
- [& U+ v; d& w/ x/ r# T
+ m* M9 G1 Y# ^# G$ H利用最后的几分钟好好检查一下,我就是在交卷前3分钟,检查出好几个错误。 因为我发现至少有4道题,是一个意思,我都答错了,在最后交卷时改了过来。
! K1 W( [8 V' p4 C9 O- T
. Y6 ~; D, g9 w& ~. ?) P沉着冷静啊,同志们。
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-14 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 lovetheworld 于 2008-12-14 17:49 发表
  N' B; ~) i( Y; \3 b8 I
! y, G& l3 G3 l5 [你这样有点误导别人,集中看4-9天,我看了半年了呢

" v, s) o; ]+ O! F2 B5 Y# E* _) Q

) T% t9 J5 H" w6 f' W6 w1 F有些人考过了, 就不知道他是谁了!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-14 23:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 李大毛 于 2008-12-14 19:51 发表
  K* g' o4 `4 [6 Y# k4 h对于咱们英语不是强项的人来说,不要求快,肯定能做完的。 有纯老外,1个小时不到就交卷了,不要受影响,要把2个小时充分用完。一般会有时间提示的,最后15分钟会有人再提示一次。9 g0 ^) D  _5 z5 X& ^: a7 @

- ~5 y: k8 i& _# }利用最后的几分钟好好检查一下, ...

3 B1 b' }  ?9 ^/ \# A
: a. B2 f8 L8 @  j3 j李大毛, 请问你现在拿到license了么?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-15 09:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 playball 于 2008-12-14 23:02 发表
9 }6 x8 i" h- J; P0 v/ m3 x; r
4 {8 }) r7 i- y) X3 `! `& m$ V
李大毛, 请问你现在拿到license了么?
. I, }3 N) O8 q% \; r: }
7 D& \& U% l7 u; [6 m
还没有,还差一封推荐信,白耽误了4个月啊。我7月份就提交了,前不久才发现,他们正在等我的推荐人的信,所以一直没有审理。 而我的推荐人只有1个收到他们的信。# D% [2 p: k. r  y: t
# s9 J0 H- G# B% I- q* V& ?2 w
白耽误了4个月,要不应该已经拿到了1 u3 x& w; w) L. _! _  k: k! A2 d- e* n- w

- U6 `5 a7 _( u3 x1 H0 `6 j要不是我亲自打电话问,还要被耽误呢
$ D* L8 d0 Y5 h1 [! R! w& P
, ]4 k, q8 ?: G" T[ 本帖最后由 李大毛 于 2008-12-15 09:51 编辑 ]
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-17 12:34 | 显示全部楼层
18. Failure to perform a contract will be a breach of contract unless the failure arises from:
+ j& I- b; P( ^2 L; v    9 y: o" T" H/ r! ^+ o# E
A.  an unanticipated change of circumstances that makes performance impossible
4 @5 H8 i/ G* R; {' AB.  a party inadvertently and unintentionally not complying with the contract
/ {# z, E6 `, t( `% Q; N. wC.  the inability of a party to perform the contract # ^! U9 w6 f2 [$ T4 P
D.  a disagreement as to what is required by the contract
* j7 y9 {# `; U+ c' q, z/ Y. i
2 C4 K* c7 L: i; U2 D- A: z9 u19. Which of the following clauses will a court not enforce?
$ W$ R4 }0 U$ N) ?6 I; Z0 p. `; i
: \5 Q/ o! ]) Q- E; qA.  liquidated damages clause
. Q  D  m9 g; \5 |. J: I1 r8 P$ eB.  none of the above
, \4 k, y! ]! ~; E3 R; K# HC.  bonus clause ! z6 O2 w2 w6 k
D.  no damages for delay clause
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-17 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
20. Which of the following is a correct statement regarding impact costs?
9 E! \+ b5 l) @' |+ [     
$ D( k+ q) V/ G' _+ qA. contractors are not permitted to claim impact costs 9 J+ b& P- [3 h1 G& p7 W- A  P
B. in the absence of evidence to the contrary, impact costs are generally deemed to be included in the change order amount agreed to
  |9 Y& `( z9 [C. public policy prevents a contractor from reserving the right to claim impact costs later in the project
; ?9 t7 q5 T* y/ N' bD. none of the above . _, q8 \* m  n! E: f2 ]  d
5 D! Z* Q- Z: x3 E  S. h
21. The phrase "unforeseen conditions" usually refers to:
- y1 N0 t1 @1 A+ g% U; ?. ^      / E7 F" V: x9 Q/ b
A. conditions that the parties to the contract knew possibly existed, but knew would not occur ) V) }9 h& _: F& }/ k
B. conditions that neither party to the contract anticipated
% r- A- W/ D3 M. R4 q3 Z9 M& a% S& Q! ~C. conditions that the parties to the contract knew possibly existed, but did not expect to occur
. l! H1 L; E+ n; GD. conditions that the parties to the contract anticipated, but did not address in their contract
6 ], P9 y2 ^2 U1 u0 D- p
( x6 J: q3 ^. K# Q$ a6 f* C4 R  b! x22. Which of the following is a true statement about allocation of the risk of subsurface soil conditions?
- F9 K3 F7 n) r# ]& t      
/ p) s7 g7 y7 kA.  it is always economically efficient to have contractors bear this risk # b  H" X, i) j5 Q5 u+ k7 }( x1 u) \
B.  regardless of the conditions of the contract, courts will not expect contractors to conduct soils investigations ! R$ n. J; D& K2 o" y5 L' E- ^) ]
C.  where contractors are required to accept the risk of subsoil conditions, they should conduct an investigation or include a significant contingency for this risk & S; T1 g* L4 C5 ?
D.  none of the above
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-18 16:25 | 显示全部楼层
23. Which of the following incorporates a means for financing the project? % w! b8 v/ m$ j" P6 h
/ o" `4 x& K6 u2 ^+ R: o  b
A.  public-private partnership ' v3 G% R. u9 w# s; u: u+ ~) m) R
B.  construction management
/ |* @1 c, G* R5 M2 m. J6 I$ N2 IC.  request for quotation 0 O$ ?/ p+ {  \& t2 u; o4 N' a
D.  design-bid-build
/ b7 W" G9 P1 W* P3 d5 [' u# g( P+ r# B: Q, K
24. Which of the following is a disadvantage of a formal tender process?
# R: X, b1 f2 W; ]+ @1 c
0 Q/ ^$ ~7 S# w. SA.  the tender process is time consuming in terms of document preparation, question answering, and tender evaluation
# }5 i* j( O- o0 b) GB.  the tender process generally eliminates the opportunity for negotiation
- L3 k; I4 v+ F9 UC.  the design must be essentially finalized before tender documents can be prepared
# Q& e7 E' r+ m$ {1 g9 \3 XD.  all of the above
( V. U$ ?" r6 c2 J( C2 ]1 R: L* Q' Q2 [; {2 Q
25. Over a four-year period, the owner of an apartment building would like to replace all the windows and doors. What type of delivery system is most appropriate for this situation?
- c, r4 }# ?( a& k  % @4 k2 d3 u* s$ x$ r
A.    invitation to tender
3 H, ?' d) R' i' I# oB.    request for quotation 0 {( I1 \/ o3 G$ V5 Z$ I
C.    request for standing offer . E+ W# K$ \+ B( K- [( _, h
D.    request for qualifications
: ?- R  ^" ?! W% P5 l
# p0 |* m( N+ \- G8 E26. An owner wishes to implement a project that will be difficult to construct. Furthermore, the method of construction will impact the nature of the design. What type of delivery system is most appropriate for this situation?   v2 P6 s( ^& p3 I2 X
3 z2 h* ^8 p8 n! U4 R
A.     request for proposals ' @3 w* }. k9 e2 c4 P
B.     request for standing offer 9 {2 K, d7 D; n: k
C.     request for quotation
, I3 d* f; `5 DD.     request for qualifications
+ u4 U# Y6 \- |* G7 F+ S" c/ P+ p2 P7 t" q  y2 L% d
27. Which of the following risks is always and completely borne by the owner under the design-bid-build model of project delivery? " q) z7 d: F  J( M5 S
# X, j( y3 w1 u0 c
A.     fluctuation in construction material prices
4 h( j3 ?4 v( M% x0 Z1 E; z( SB.     project revenue being lower than expected
% B, k0 f, @9 M5 s: a! O( iC.     changes in law
% \5 T# ^; N. j5 v; X, d+ L. T' LD.     unexpected site conditions
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