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本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2020-1-14 14:15 编辑 # U0 U/ y- x% n5 {. t; F$ _+ p
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Dr. Sam Huang黄夏医生毕业于University of Manitoba牙医学院, 取得了Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D)学位。0 ~: `8 c, j$ l& z* K5 h
毕业后在Manitoba和Alberta工作。 说普通话和英语,认真热情给您的全家老少服务。针对每个患者的不同需要提供治疗方案, 耐心讲解治疗过程和可能结果。
9 O9 V$ j6 x! `% ~5 P# Q
5 T9 w5 i( I% P2 [3 L; f服务包括:* X8 Y" I" ~. V# \% T6 X/ [- V
1 K" a# T w* z7 R常规检查(exam),清洁牙齿/洗牙(teeth cleaning),堵牙和牙齿修补(filling),牙冠牙桥(crown and bridge)
$ d/ ?1 i7 F& H& ^6 q植牙牙冠(dental implant),拔牙(dental extraction),假牙(complete and partial dentures), 隐形矫牙( invisalign )" u5 D3 m% r# U) X e2 \
牙齿美容(composite and poreclain veneers), 牙齿美白(whitening), 根管治疗(root canal).
1 u9 l: x: ]1 t% `1 H牙痛等急诊当天就诊。' }/ a9 s! s* Y5 N
" C; ?5 f& j H% ~8 c! K' t诊所地址
) l0 U; V3 u! i: hUnit #105 9303 -34 Ave NW (google map 在诊所网站可见)
# \ g, F5 g. R3 JEdmonton, Alberta, T6E 5W8
2 R6 D, q- n1 |' o: ]8 PTelephone: 780-462-4925 $ o/ h. A* h+ U8 X9 `" K. J9 i1 @
Fax: 780-462-4922
4 A3 E( k( a3 |/ s$ n网站请点击: website: www.34avedental.ca( X$ ^( b: d0 a! F2 Y: F8 j
' O4 S3 Q. p7 s3 {3 t8 i
营业时间 + a1 }0 B7 @2 T
: `; {2 |# f) T
Business Hours:
& q- L: Z; Q3 X5 H5 V3 QMonday 7:30am - 5:30pm
0 x/ I0 Y/ [& q2 n% LTuesday 7:30am-5:30pm3 i4 D% x/ L5 e5 m0 A0 s
Wednesday 9:30 am-7:30 pm
% n5 |9 z- @/ W4 \4 D5 VThursday 7:30am-5:30pm
3 y6 [% i- W# f; [" nFriday, Saturday Closed, by appointments only6 E4 G1 S2 c# t& s! X* s0 w+ H9 g
Sunday Closed
9 \3 \ r8 a+ b1 w
, W8 l; H7 w" J6 I! Q8 @Add this to the ad: 牙齿矫形; [# _) H! c3 C8 w# c+ {9 O) B
. [' d8 R1 t* B7 A$ i5 b5 i. k/ q晚上,周五,周六需要提前预约
* m) j: s. U% p+ S3 h. pEvening, Friday, and Saturday times are available by appointment only* R( Q. s2 f- `/ e! a