埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

楼主: playball

[聊天灌水] 加拿大职业工程师考试--一起切磋

鲜花(168) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-30 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 LAOZANG 于 2008-12-29 12:22 发表
- T, }0 c) r" P  f7 H# ~" C看了playball发上来的题目,不知道他/她是从哪里搞来的?感觉和APEGGA考试的题不是一道局。; m& {. C# W) c# v
Appega比较注重案例分析,这些是建立在理解书中的理论的基础上,而不是考试书中的条条框框。) L# X7 V2 }2 r5 o9 m" V
这些题目可以帮助学习,但不 ...
; f" n8 p  K( d4 \# M, y2 W
* H* g2 K! s+ q  I+ w7 W5 |0 {
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-30 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
不好意思的哈, 出门玩了趟, 刚回来. 大家提了不少问题, 容我慢慢向你们道来." Q1 a- M- q8 T  m+ e3 e+ o& j' S- J
8 j2 o) |4 R4 n/ q( k7 \
考试的确不难, 难就难在你要花时间去看它. 本人不才, 计划用三个月的时间看, 仅仅周末看, 晚上一概不看. 没有想到的是, 我现在把该看的都看完了, Practice and Ethics 看了三遍, Practical law 看了两遍, 离考试还有十几天的时间. 没有事情可做了, 就出趟远门旅游去了.这些题目是考题库存里出来的. 目的是给象我这样没有事情做的人而又放不下考试的人巩固和加强用的. 王八别在问我是怎么弄到的哈!  n3 Y( I) Z& z9 L, K
4 _+ R, {, ?: x% T
这个帖起初的目的是为了和大家一起探讨和交流, 结果探讨和交流的一个没有, 反而吸引来了一群采蜜的蜜蜂. 哈哈, 这是好事, 如果有蜜可采, 那么我这么折腾下, 对大家还是有帮助的哈. 至于考试的题目跟真题接近到什么程度, 我可不知道啊. 你可别指望考试的题目跟这些一模一样的哈. 即使有, 那也纯属巧合, 但不否认会有相同的考点!
* }6 A# ?; R3 k* N5 x& R* F8 R
/ l# [& ~% S4 o4 w0 d意想不到的是来了这么多办实事的王八, 不是来捣乱呢, 就是来说些讽凉话. NND, 老子不知道什么叫道德, 什么叫法律! 把本帖从头看到尾, 没有发现几个是真正的来交流的, 来探讨的!1 P' c7 f" L4 I# {
& r+ Y- S7 h7 U( L& ?: ^6 @, l
爱网多的就是你们这些道貌岸然的伪君子, 正是因为你们的存在, 爱网几乎成了清一色垃圾网站, 除了人身攻击和诋毁谩骂, 我还真没发现几篇有价值信息. 这样的网站, 不上也罢! Playball 从此以后不来了!
鲜花(168) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-30 16:48 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 playball 于 2008-12-30 16:37 发表
+ a+ ~5 `, d+ Q2 n% B  _" Y3 i$ F不好意思的哈, 出门玩了趟, 刚回来. 大家提了不少问题, 容我慢慢向你们道来.
1 t% I3 F3 c, _
) @6 T" M! t" v4 y7 d4 y考试的确不难, 难就难在你要花时间去看它. 本人不才, 计划用三个月的时间看, 仅仅周末看, 晚上一概不看. 没有想到的是, 我现在把该看的 ...
9 \  p% `+ B- k! W/ D  }: A8 p

0 a3 O  O- k+ e1 A7 A不上也罢/ ^+ k2 Y9 S  p% A* c, N- e. z% u

/ P" J5 m) j& @4 a* f% {& a[ 本帖最后由 天豕爱美丽 于 2008-12-30 17:10 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-30 17:04 | 显示全部楼层

回复 92楼 的帖子

老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-12-30 20:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复 92楼 的帖子

4 h% c3 Z  b+ v( _9 X, b能否继续?0 m. q4 x+ s8 M2 n0 K; X
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-4 15:12 | 显示全部楼层




23.5 KB, 下载次数: 13

售价: 100 加币现金  [记录]


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-4 16:42 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-6 20:47 | 显示全部楼层

回复 97楼 的帖子

me too.
' U5 Y3 r5 g  `! z* uany help?
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-9 19:39 | 显示全部楼层


Welcome to the Self-Study Questions, prepared by Michael Dew. We have provided a selection of True/False, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Essay questions for you to test your knowledge and understanding of key legal concepts. You will find that the self study questions are spread across all chapters; the chapters may or may not have all question types.) E2 n# o, j; Q$ T# W) \/ n
* s8 {: |, a! a
For each question, he has provided a page reference under Hint, which you can check before attempting the question. When you submit a set of True/False, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, or Essay questions, your work will automatically be graded. In many instances, you will receive feedback when you attempt a True/False or Multiple Choice question. In all instances you will receive a suggested response when you attempt a short answer or essay question.


31 Bytes, 下载次数: 15

售价: 200 加币现金  [记录]

Self-study Questions

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 18:45 | 显示全部楼层

1 answer is C

1. Which of the following is the correct name of a provincial trial court?
" l' z+ g8 Y+ i0 U! O3 x5 j6 v# L. N* ^9 Z- |8 T6 Q* V2 J埃德蒙顿,Edmonton    A. Saskatchewan Supreme Court
" c/ y$ k: v0 k( y1 m* q) L( c( ~, Z) }0 B    B. Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench 埃德蒙顿,Edmonton. `# c/ r# ^* k6 T
' y) Q! d1 {# b' R/ ]* ]$ w# Q; I/ u    C. Alberta Supreme Court
" i; x0 n4 ?5 g( B, D) K4 r0 S) b埃德蒙顿,Edmonton    D. Ontario Court of Queen's Bench & W4 Z, n
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 22:34 | 显示全部楼层

C 好象不对...law book Ch 1 said Alberta court of Queen bench

C 好象不对...law book Ch 1 said Alberta court of Queen bench
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-11 22:52 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-13 15:14 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
原帖由 LAOZANG 于 2008-12-29 12:22 发表 , n: ?" E' Y9 J, t/ L; T
  A( E* o! z! `; t/ oAppega比较注重案例分析,这些是建立在理解书中的理论的基础上,而不是考试书中的条条框框。  c% [' q, y/ H) U0 ]7 }
这些题目可以帮助学习,但不 ...
/ J  {& v' S0 q; B7 o6 S! ?+ d) h$ C; h) J
$ Y- A9 r# F) I) H8 y* ~  t' {
9 P; `; b8 X5 X  q" V8 o9 y考试并不难,而且LAOZANG说的很对,踏踏实实的学习一下对自己只有好处,在那里生活要遵守哪里的规则。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-13 21:39 | 显示全部楼层


原帖由 playball 于 2008-12-24 22:35 发表
+ f' U: g7 m- T6 b* r, Z/ Q54. Which of the following is not true regarding an employer-dependent contractor relationship?
  K9 ]- R9 U4 X/ K9 y( V7 V3 v* B. t      4 A3 b  Y. s& |1 C  Z% C2 {6 C
A.  the contractor may use his or her own tools 0 U2 q( R7 `8 r( k  }9 t4 K
B.  the contractor is generally not trained  ...
- v3 j% J; R/ ]; H3 M% }
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-14 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 playball 于 2009-1-9 19:39 发表
! B- U+ n5 C2 C5 a$ P6 m5 e( HWelcome to the Self-Study Questions, prepared by Michael Dew. We have provided a selection of True/False, Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Essay questions for you to test your knowledge and understa ...

6 j# V. S" [0 J3 L. f. \( o0 l花了200元买的东西不值啊,www.pearsoned.ca/samuelssanders 是法律书上就有的,你应该标明。* Y: X+ }$ O8 R) `& h4 V
) k! `) J' @" C( W+ d
5 O# ]3 W6 I, n1 Chttp://wps.pearsoned.ca/ca_ph_sa ... 9.cw/-/t/index.html
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-14 22:30 | 显示全部楼层


50. B6 s* x( u2 e2 E% d8 |+ m  W
51. C5 V7 p- a  D# h, Z
52. A
$ S3 I4 _- {# l$ R( W53. C
# X0 F6 b1 n' f& e54. D
+ a/ g' F1 r  t3 G3 V* d: j$ p55. A, z, e0 C* q& i1 i6 Y5 M$ `
56. C
! g/ A8 T; U6 U57. A. R" l  J4 g3 k. b
58. C2 p3 h0 S6 @. H( I" ~9 S
59. D# b4 r$ F1 D, ]3 h% L2 g
60. D8 A( x$ u" Y: N: L% t* L& j3 K
61. D5 u2 o7 f5 y+ o
62. D
, Y$ q9 L5 R. P  ~  m7 k63. D: Y3 \4 ?3 B. g& K3 R$ Z
64. D$ J5 o3 ]3 r' f5 d0 J# u: n5 e
65. D
( F+ e( E. {) m9 i. @! G: [66. B
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-17 14:31 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
  q' n9 M) n$ i# y9 \  A/ h1 L* g6 A1. B
7 @" k8 v* ?$ p3 S( T3 [2. C0 f, U. Y3 f& q" i- x- Y9 Y2 Q4 d; ]
3. C7 z% t& o8 {& q- `& n. F1 k/ ]0 y
4. D
( G1 m# R; D' E: J0 `* p5. D) u8 K1 W6 Z. v
6. B' y+ {/ j+ d8 ~$ u
7. A
9 l" C' r; x/ [1 F* k+ w8. A
/ S7 z( a  b7 J& a9 K9. A8 A& |( m; b7 o3 }; |8 L
10. B( U  S: Y# g7 `9 S4 M4 S
11. A+ S; ]6 V3 \& X+ q  R$ w6 N2 O
12. A
' @2 c( {- p1 u1 V2 X13. C
2 U5 s4 \3 p  R2 T) j# Q$ g% J$ P! H14. B/ F6 Y$ U. @; p- J1 M. e% i
15. C" l9 W5 u. h' w) M
16. B
& L0 O: z% |+ j17. B, v9 w, k5 g. l: s1 V, g
18. A* w- n0 ~) f5 o: Q% ^+ ~
19. B% h" Q- h$ d# \4 ]& p. o
20. B5 A5 l* s0 M$ l
21. C
0 A0 {& _! H4 K( C22. C2 W, E- A- o  Q
23. A& x+ K7 }' K3 g" J/ c: ^8 f& Z
24. D
& Y, g4 w. X7 C( H6 G+ F, d25. C7 h9 W: k, y" n: @& ]8 |. k, J
26. A
# R, [$ j" y8 ^# e7 o* t* c' b27. B
3 T6 M4 B8 }! I, ^9 i7 s28. B# B5 S6 T  f3 f) K% ~0 J4 Q
29. B
+ _2 A/ ]$ q5 f30. C
2 Z0 W" S% k- q( e31. C
5 b2 F2 @) E# f3 ^" u. ?  Z  x32. A" u4 X0 {+ m. g( c. Q4 q
33. B
( B6 f( P! c' o34. C8 h. s( O3 @) l$ I  L6 s1 u' F
35. D& }! Z+ X# |7 q& U
36. D
. m' e4 e, [+ K3 J. H1 X5 m* U37. C/ F: J! w% Q& j( o( f( ~
38. A
  [, C% g5 Q0 D& s, P1 i39. A
, m8 F4 h2 L7 T% z$ q' _40. D
1 l0 P. I" ~& I2 \4 ~7 W& A41. D
& R: g$ E6 R/ f0 z3 m+ I42. D
! @' R* `4 M! x* k" ~) _- V4 U43. C6 d5 {2 P' Q* T$ G$ y! U
44. A
. O& w4 W5 L0 [- @* D. H45. B* O2 X* o  [+ Z( M, S* ^
46. D
! R; i3 m) M! E3 w% K47. B1 E; Y" T: a) L' E; Q6 q2 q
48. B7 d  H. T6 m& i9 p  D7 k6 R. {6 g
49. C* \! c" j4 b0 y: p; Y, }
50. B7 k# f8 q! W! F) Z
51. C; Y' ^1 a$ E0 N2 h2 l/ X: n4 v
52. A$ a  p( P1 a( F0 s$ Q
53. C, p5 g6 N- P7 T1 q/ x& I
54. D
3 R* O& `8 L* o% h8 |55. A) o* U% F! b& o2 H! Z. u' N
56. C( N  t9 C2 t0 y
57. A( i  J3 x4 q. U
58. C
9 B: ?# c' p& @$ Y59. D3 U$ C( g/ I- @( z. w" _2 g
60. D
9 L5 C- a: [1 z' ^61. D
7 x5 [1 t" k  h# P+ i: ^62. D! _) j# q+ `& ]) c. x- B; H% M, t
63. D
+ Y1 W6 a' o" G64. D
; C: o- E* N' i2 K" p65. D
7 y6 j' L  a3 [1 ^' [/ q66. B
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-17 17:44 | 显示全部楼层
Case Western University4 {& ]- T$ @( H/ R0 M; i
, x- {; h8 ~# |National Institute of Engineering Ethics. ~. I6 C# F6 m3 B
, F: ^5 Q  a0 D0 ZTexas A & M University" y3 f  X" n5 X
  H0 H4 g* E# @6 I0 F: I9 {+ ^Institute of Electrical Engineers$ Q) G* |. `4 }
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-19 12:07 | 显示全部楼层

Report within 72 hours

You have 72 hours to complete and submit the Employer's Report of Injury or Occupational Disease form after receiving notice or knowledge of an injury or illness that disables or will likely disable a worker beyond the date of accident.
2 l  V& O: c/ X( T) R" P' D
! K. Z* o8 V! f" Z: \You can report an injury online if you have signed up with myWCB or submit the Employer's Report of Injury form by fax.6 m! q8 j  @5 ~( V' e
/ N2 L  E( x/ |- |  S  i
You should submit a report to WCB-Alberta if the accident results in, or is likely to result in:
6 r+ j$ \  J- H$ H5 M
& x6 N$ C" T0 M7 k/ ]/ \9 zlost time or the need to temporarily or permanently modify work beyond the date of accident
$ w$ M* y2 p" Y3 [! v* D5 Odeath or permanent disability (amputation, hearing loss, etc.) 8 s5 I0 _6 p! H; U+ U8 @& w
a disabling or potentially disabling condition caused by occupational exposure or activity (poisoning, infection, respiratory disease, dermatitis, etc.) $ @$ \% F7 g9 O8 M3 U
the need for medical treatment beyond first aid (assessment by physician, physiotherapy, chiropractic, etc.) : _6 v4 g% ?9 A1 ^5 `( @* L
incurring medical aid expenses (dental treatment, eyeglass repair or replacement, prescription medications, etc.) ; h& B' r; ~$ m6 K
For more information please reference the employer handbook (pdf, 383KB)- ]% K& ^; x$ L
. s7 D0 P8 I6 `0 Z+ ~: h' u  _6 m
Upload your electronic information to our system
* D- v2 B- o  p% |You can also import injury information directly from your human resource or injury management system. Please reference the Employer report upload documentation.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-1-19 19:53 | 显示全部楼层

考完了.....Alberta有好多的Engineer 呀

考完了.....Alberta有好多的Engineer 呀.........
) P2 V! [! c1 ]4 A: vPlayball是带眼镜的那位吗?' p3 o: B, n/ u, `2 I+ ?! p
8 g5 b9 D" F/ e& B/ o! @7 j" O* K
[ 本帖最后由 wanghong 于 2009-1-19 19:55 编辑 ]
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-19 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 wanghong 于 2009-1-19 19:53 发表
. G8 `- Q5 ?4 x4 k1 g7 l考完了.....Alberta有好多的Engineer 呀.........+ q/ _' j! _2 t: y' H

/ P" B4 N+ o+ @- C9 R5 W( h& n* s  F. r# F% ]  M# h& f
Playball 不带眼镜, 感觉良好, 你呢? 总的来说,中国人不多见. 按照我的复习思路, 全部一网打进, 简单容易.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-19 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
Usually, the securities of a public company are owned by many investors while the shares of a private company are owned by relatively few shareholders. A company with many shareholders is not necessarily a public company. A public company usually refers to a company that is permitted to offer its registered securities (stock, bonds, etc.) for sale to the general public, typically through a stock exchange, but also may include companies whose stock is traded over the counter (OTC) via market makers who use non-exchange quotation services such as the OTCBB and the Pink Sheets.
; i1 F9 C9 U4 h+ _8 z) P7 u2 i9 ?% n5 a
The term "public company" may also refer to a government-owned corporation. This meaning of a "public company" comes from the tradition of public ownership of assets and interests by and for the people as a whole (public ownership), and is the less-common meaning in the United States.
# ^) V) g$ v* l  Q
% U0 ~1 S8 r5 F9 L$ Q"Publicly owned company" can also have either meaning, although in India and the United Kingdom it will usually be interpreted as meaning a company in the public sector (being owned by national, regional or local government). The term "public limited company" or simply "PLC", as used in the UK and Ireland, refers to a form of incorporation, and does not imply anything about the ownership of the company.
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-5 22:30 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-7 16:31 | 显示全部楼层

卖全套复习资料 (Ask for $90)

本来想写点东西,可是APEGGA规定不让泄漏。所以就不敢写的太具体了,写的心得感受什么的,太虚了,也没有什么用,再说网上已经有不少同志写了,足够了。/ |- F5 b: @2 c. g. }& Y* u
) ^2 O! e9 [- X, ?& C8 G3 u5 A
APEGGA 的 NPPE 考试复习资料出售 (全部的复习资料,一切齐全。肯定可以节省你大量的复习时间)
8 Y0 ~8 ?( @3 Y& A8 h/ L% b6 WAPEGGA study material Full kit includes CD, bought in July 2008(4 L* _6 b8 @1 N8 n
APEGGA-道德与法律考试复习资料一套,包括,法律,道德(附CD一张),等大大小小共计12件4 [9 H7 [3 i; }  M; R4 _
+ q- i+ u+ u. M; L* f* o  S+ o% L
1. Canadian Professional Engineering and Geoscience: Practice & Ethics – Andrews, 2004, copyright 2005
' p" M# k+ c, A" p7 H6 L2. Practical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience – Samuels & Sanders,Canadian Edition, 2007, t0 c" w. G8 b: k% X/ D
3. Industry Canada Booklets:' c4 d% _1 a0 `3 Q/ `8 Z
A Guide to Patents
6 r+ D, G  _8 o( O: F. i3 t4 T0 hA Guide to Trade-Marks
) Y; U0 S7 x# a' jA Guide to Industrial Design
! t; t0 r  \  x0 BA Guide to Copywrite
2 s4 c  Q& `) o& n
, z& d2 E8 t0 N8 Q9 H+ x! R4. The (APEGGA) Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act,7 C" v  S# d& _' I4 {& A* N6 I
Regulations and By-laws including the Code of Ethics, April 2007, or the equivalent3 C0 L5 `( K5 T8 }
documents for the Association with which you wish to register.6 ^7 m3 H4 T' `+ b  b# p& u& B, S0 G) {

& p! Z+ ]. t  Y5. Guideline for Ethical Practice v2.1, June2005.3 I, H# A) H! V; c. Y
6. The Concepts of Professionalism – V1.0 September 2004.# J- I" p8 `2 B- Q8 a* P' K
7. Occupational Health and Safety Act of Alberta. Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000,# C' `8 Y; q# ~! d
8. Royal Bank Letter – “The Soul of Professionalism” Vol. 71, No. 6, December 1990.
3 |1 @& ^( T, S% E* C. J) d* Q/ d9. Basic Learnings in Industrial Safety and Loss Management, ISLMP and APEGGA
% k1 \0 y3 P2 h5 ~  d# h2 L+ o; P5 h/ w5 i5 B
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-7 20:28 | 显示全部楼层
只可惜,已买了,要不一定买你的,尤其是你的笔记!!! payball,写点感想吧!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-8 21:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 zfmsyp 于 2009-2-7 20:28 发表 5 m/ Z/ b( z  {- R" R5 B
只可惜,已买了,要不一定买你的,尤其是你的笔记!!! payball,写点感想吧!

7 A& M+ g; }, y$ q" T# q6 @4 [- X9 F  S( \" ]
中国有句老话说:把厚书读薄.  建立在理解书中的理论的基础上, 现在回过头去看, 我认为下面的东西根本不用花时间去看:
2 t7 n. P$ p  {6 }* y8 S3. Industry Canada Booklets:: S, s/ ]$ f9 S7 f- d7 M
A Guide to Patents' ^0 X2 l6 Z& X! w% q% q8 I
A Guide to Trade-Marks
5 t1 `6 s4 k$ _2 D  jA Guide to Industrial Design, `: c' {! j4 r& P3 q1 w, Z( \
A Guide to Copywrite
6 {8 q& [1 ]) S( n' }, }5 f  O( C  E/ [: y9 n9 \
8. Royal Bank Letter – “The Soul of Professionalism” Vol. 71, No. 6, December 1990.
7 i. g1 K& \* f( `: C1 `
3 q$ D7 y9 A2 S0 t- c- [- r  W你可以把这些东西丢到垃圾桶. 回头如果你发现我说错了, 来找我.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-8 22:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-20 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
今天拿到考试成绩, Pass./ ^& w' ^& o0 y
8 P$ N1 c9 I& q7 p
考试复习资料早已卖出, 谢谢!
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-2-23 20:51 | 显示全部楼层
我也收到信了Pass,非常感谢各位的指点。playball awesome
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-4-28 15:45 | 显示全部楼层


% E/ J9 g* \7 N& \" o& Y: |留个记号慢慢看来!!!$ b+ K, e0 s9 S, S* A3 Q/ r6 i
谢谢模拟题. 模拟题应该不算漏题吧,帮助大家加深印象罢了.
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