埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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St. Albert市中心美容美甲店!黄金地段,1600尺创富空间,海量升级!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2022-9-15 10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2022-11-16 13:24 编辑 1 N+ f5 E' P+ H  h: F' F# N
" _2 c0 A, w! n3 e- A
地址:108 8 Perron Street Active  St. Albert, g" c6 W9 Z9 L. h$ d
. _1 j; K2 P2 u+ {
* m" a% L3 V3 a/ ~2 Y! g5 r8 T. j# l
联系方式:老杨团队8 p% w# g9 @/ Z9 p# m( P4 |

& m  p! g  t% Y) k$ R6 Y6 ihttp://www.fanyangteam.com' J' l- c% b: T! x" t
3 S) _% r6 |! q" t0 |; L& o4 r
% j: l/ b4 {! O% r5 t" O

! [' u: {- C0 A, v- Y1 ], I4 J& _圣-阿尔伯塔市中心赚钱美甲美容店!
! R! `3 ]/ e! ~+ h. c/ q6 `* O* A* v9 u: S
9 {( d& S# u6 u) `2 c8 `' j
' v9 u+ ?" t" _' ^店内海量优雅升级,超易打理维护,也没有加盟费!1600尺创富空间,低租金(包括了所有公用设施)!
/ j+ D0 v* }0 S# X) D" t* z( g
% z1 j1 k8 `4 Z6 J是时候,自己做老板!万事俱备,欢迎垂询!
0 ?; _8 o* p* o, u" U) U1 }( z! V4 G% L0 s( U
Well Established business at Downton St. Albert location! This MONEY MAKING Spa & Nail Studio is located at one of the busiest street in town. Surrounded by offices and business, it has a very stable customer resources and a lot potential to grow. Fully loaded with tons of elegant upgrades. Super easy to maintain also no francise fee! 1600 sqft. Low rent with ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED! Say good-bye to your employer and become your own boss.1 w5 G( f4 H6 b8 s0 V; t

% R$ Q+ l( d5 G4 D% P# h3 l! ]: @$ F& Q4 d* a1 I' s8 ?3 B
' I( E, j" l& M; y- O

/ p9 E4 |4 W- H/ ]
% j  Y8 r! M1 l7 X* N
9 p7 |- N3 I8 o& g: Z. E% ^& h$ d2 n; O" b8 ~3 W

1 G6 N( W. r1 r2 p. Y! w' s8 H# p) H" n2 l
# S. m6 P3 v* _, e. H

: b6 r- s* l$ m2 Z5 G8 w' V* v7 a4 Q# D% b

; u  j) P/ o2 h: E" V% T- I( I1 E, C, ^* w) f
5 F5 c) w/ A0 i9 _; \
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2022-11-16 12:24 | 显示全部楼层
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