埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[爱城新闻] 爱城今日暴涨95例新增!

鲜花(57) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-8-12 16:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
过去一天阿省新发新冠肺炎121例,爱城95例,卡城14例,北部10例,南部3例,中部-1例,不明地区0例。新增死亡1例。5 Z& t  x3 L6 V) M

. d6 \: i; v6 w1 ?; AThe breakdown of cases by region was:7 e2 p2 E1 o% W
% ~! \' s! N4 b5 M) T
Calgary zone: 6799 with 312 active, 住院11,在ICU1& E5 {9 c& z; p1 w7 |9 }

  D3 I0 ~6 s' d# C5 L8 L: F7 FEdmonton zone: 2136 with 470 active, 住院21,在ICU78 I/ V2 h0 a) ]7 b% u4 D- U

! {* g3 g5 N, F9 T- @9 p; l6 wSouth zone: 1707 with 55 active, 住院5,在ICU43 R$ |( b5 _6 q
, v& n! j  y5 \# c# [
North zone: 680 with 111 active, 住院3,在ICU18 f9 m9 k' N0 u* n0 D1 y) j

% Y9 e; P9 Z. rCentral zone: 545 with 92 active, 住院10,在ICU0, L+ j1 Y* k+ e+ ~0 v. {) f

" \$ l: M4 V  X) GUnknown: 26 with 4 active, 住院0,在ICU07 A6 y' P0 ]' r2 U/ Q: B" K
7 d( u. b- B- b4 q/ |' D1 ]/ \
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