埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[服务] 英语教学

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-7-15 20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello everyone,
! P1 J( l4 T: I& R0 gI am a Canadian born ESL teacher interested in hosting zoom ESL conversation classes. I have an Education degree and these past few years I have volunteered as an ESL instructor at CCI-LEX teaching beginner classes.
+ U6 O+ O# D+ [$ a8 Z" P% ?There are many parents from China who are living with their children and like everyone else are isolated. This time could be used to further knowledge of the English language. * \9 I8 i' j+ l
No matter what level you are at, joining zoom as part of a group can not only break the monotony but will enable you to further your English skills and it can be fun!
8 b5 C' q% ~( l9 rMy cost for such a group would be $15 per person for a 45 minutes class. Please share this information with your friends., J& r5 j* a$ m5 z
Welcome those who are interested in learning English and communication to my group on Zoom:
5 d+ M7 l+ V7 l  ?3 \1 _' ]* s, @, A- C# b
E-mail: paulinematwood@gmail.com 7 _5 ^1 a0 `9 B! V  x3 Y
Phone: 780-297-0522
* J% ]) ?0 ]8 W* ]! H& d+ v$ V, V* u% f8 a3 A( Z# K- Z0 ?

: A) w; `9 K) L: W我是一名出生在加拿大的公民,热衷于英语教学工作,擅长英语口语会话教学。现在通过视频会议软件Zoom进行英语教学,我持有教育学位,并在过去的几年中,在埃德蒙顿文化交流学院学习交流中心(CCI-LEX)针对英语初学者义务从事英语教学工作。" `- H% ?; c& \; z8 a4 f# Y2 @
现在有许多来自中国的父母,跟子女在加拿大团聚和生活,由于无法用英语与人沟通,难于融入当地的生活,带来诸多不便,也许还会感到一丝精神上的苦闷与孤独。何不妨花一些时间来学习英语,增进沟通。把原来停留在书面上英语知识,变成可以会话交流的活的英语。; D+ }: L- }$ `; [" j
, k: C8 d5 K6 s. a, C$ p我对英语学习小组收取的费用是45分钟课时,每人收取15加元。欢迎感兴趣者与我联系,也感谢与您的朋友分享此信息。
0 X6 _5 G7 X7 O我的联系方式:4 p& v+ a2 V) }
电子邮件:paulinematwood@gmail.com 或者 ruoshui@ualberta.ca (国语)1 y1 n  q6 m1 y7 y
手机:780-297-0522 " N+ K5 B# n" @9 j& \/ f
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-7-16 12:55 | 显示全部楼层
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