埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[爱城新闻] 阿省居民可在线申请紧急救助金

鲜花(57) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-3-25 13:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 Y+ ^( n4 |- b/ Q2 G  u; n6 {0 h
% R6 |. n  c2 H0 M明天(周三)在该省的网站上发布。符合条件的接收者将通过Interac电子转帐一次性获得$ 1,146的付款。如果批准,付款将在24到48小时内处理。
) {2 W% G+ O& y1 I7 h, b1 K5 \# A6 \
确认资格后,将要求阿省居民创建数字身份证,这是完成申请所必需的。作为验证过程的一部分,将使用驾照或身份证上的信息来验证申请人的身份。% d3 M3 i+ X& ~6 K& B, e

8 n% |, P2 }3 ~  |( a" E3 l/ e" [要符合资格,受助人在被隔离时,不得有其他薪资或补偿金来源。7 A3 N; w* o6 S# a5 _; L( q8 ^- b

1 k5 e6 }( c7 z8 w8 F( g, r如有以下条件,则不符合隔离支持计划的条件:' ]: J5 ?) N3 {' p) d7 e/ L

9 w. o* K* l5 J+ U. ^; _$ R' l; r
    在开始自我隔离前没有工作; % p& `* V' x/ ^1 v& K* ^8 i* I
  E9 V. l) v  v+ V1 d

" v5 d+ B  w# O) P( ?* z, o3 i    能够在家工作; 4 B( X; Q  \& I& N! w) z1 t9 \9 k9 p: x

9 R' @+ S! `/ Q; t- n  h$ C' U- a9 ?4 l- P8 Z% b
" C$ f/ z6 L3 t* K7 C4 t. Q/ ~7 B" V4 g0 [

6 b+ O0 b2 P4 C+ d+ \    没有遭受重大的收入损失; # U! w5 I7 {! Q* l0 `
0 b7 q0 Y/ U5 c; h
8 \, N* P+ P+ S: H* N# a4 L0 S
    正在接受其他形式的收入支持或雇主福利;要么+ z7 y! _5 h- r* R6 C1 ]

7 a  g+ J+ o2 ], L7 R, q* z2 e! n9 g- l- d  A3 D
    不长期居住在阿省。 : M5 j: u: y& R% v9 H8 l4 [

' R6 D( @. F& q. q; ^
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-3-25 20:56 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-3-27 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
Leonlee800 发表于 2020-3-25 20:56
& R$ q$ b9 P! i6 o6 ?5 K0 n有人知道怎么申请吗?谢谢

0 D- P& W1 [" N9 ?7 C6 D6 g( yEligibility% z; }) D/ q+ [; j
You are eligible for the emergency isolation support program if you:8 c; h1 M/ Z5 z9 p% h  s
2 U/ X, W, \5 S# c( q7 R0 W
have experienced total or significant loss of income and are not receiving compensation from any other source because you:$ R0 B! [! R1 ?2 i
have been diagnosed with COVID-19
7 y- k+ J. w& H- L% ^* g# |have been directed by health authorities to self-isolate
3 l2 V+ {- g. t& A0 K. iare the sole caregiver of a dependent who is in self-isolation
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-3-27 09:34 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
Leonlee800 发表于 2020-3-25 20:56$ V8 x* g. {; A7 x8 d3 |3 X3 |3 i

2 A; ~( U$ C4 W- [: Y5 RHow to apply
5 c. D& ^& T, |& ~$ f$ ~+ }Sign into the MyAlberta Emergency Isolation Support system using your verified MyAlberta Digital ID (MADI) account to complete the application.6 e. m6 z7 H1 m: ~; V
: Q$ X+ M, M4 P  ~- ]% q; B5 l
If you don’t have a verified MADI account, you can sign up during the application process using your Alberta driver’s licence or ID card number to confirm your identity.
0 b4 Z9 z& }. Y/ D' N, p% ?You do not need to wait 10 days for the mailed verification code to complete your application.
0 D% d9 ~0 |" g1 }1 Y7 cIf you need help completing your application, call Alberta Connects at 310-4455, open 7 days a week from 8 am to 8 pm. Please be patient as call volumes may be high.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2020-3-29 12:40 | 显示全部楼层
1 @4 N# ~1 l5 }
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