埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2019-11-8 12:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-11-8 14:02 编辑
: ~  \6 H& @7 {' B$ v
1 C6 Y. b9 T; a" z  i地址:#608 12831 66 ST NW6 @' M4 D" O' s' P

6 A# V) V% k6 S. n" C' B5 n售价:$75,000* b6 w6 c( l! r* Y4 m) Z
) y* c$ \. T9 l0 o
# z4 f1 h  s0 j( ~6 Y
& v# h- l9 W: hhttp://www.fanyangteam.com
* ^9 q3 G7 f; ?
) q1 x9 K3 T! z好房详情请点击:
, q& D) J% `$ Y) u& J5 i
7 y0 \+ c+ U& nhttps://www.fanyangteam.com/for- ... 66-Street--E41793526 W% V2 R: v, t' |" d

2 x" }$ B0 T( K; V$ N% `2 Y4 w6 h+ U5 g  q% n

  n' A3 L3 ]1 q这间精致美居坐落在Belvedere社区Hollyburn Towers,1卧1卫精致格局,是初次投资置业者首选!超大东向阳台设有储藏功能,让您领略第一抹灿烂朝阳,宽敞客厅,美食厨房配备了全套不锈钢电器,宽敞卧室更有套内存储间。公寓楼前就是公交车站,对街即是学校、操场,位置非常便利!步行可到Belvedere公交车站、购物中心,周边生活设施齐全,畅享宜居好生活!机不可失、欢迎看房!
2 e5 h, j0 i7 ]7 O- p
6 C9 w: H: J/ H3 b( O% NWelcome to Hollyburn Towers. Ideal for a for a first time buyer or investor. Enjoy this large east facing balcony with storage. Spacious living room, kitchen with stainless steel appliances, spacious bedroom & in-suite storage. Public transit at front, a school and playground across the street, and within walking distance of the Belvedere transit center. Shopping and recreation facilities are nearby. Quick possession available.' X" ^& h. ]6 s+ B, I

* `7 h* ^( ]' Q. O" Z' r4 W- M# Q6 c

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7 x2 n8 \7 r! ]0 }

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0 N& j2 r1 e6 x% o1 Z) p% j! P
0 F8 R; Y/ l4 G9 z; V% S
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