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鲜花(24) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-9-29 20:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
面积很大,价格好象也不高,Bungalow相对two story有什么劣势?0 O5 ?% L8 X' c* {; X, D4 i) g: q
https://www.realtor.ca/real-esta ... onton-ogilvie-ridge
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-11-7 11:36 | 显示全部楼层
9 \9 m: D6 p& W& e  D: a. b) ]+ l
! ?. e1 C! Y* H  h5 f) ^找了一篇文章,看着有道理,和你分享如下:+ q. D- x( Z0 \* W/ `

* L4 M3 \# t" j7 l8 a+ kIf you are thinking of buying or building a new home, at some point you will have to consider the pros and cons of a single story Vs two story home. There are advantages to both styles of home so it’s important to know which style would work best for your family and lifestyle.' }, p: E! `1 B
7 a/ e! P/ C* ?& m, N
Many people believe that two story homes are more economical because they require less foundation and roof structure. The rooms on the first floor don’t require a roof and the rooms on the second floor don’t require a foundation. There is also some savings on plumbing and electrical wiring because of closer proximity of all the rooms in the house. However, two story homes generally require a second HVAC system for heating and cooling the second floor as well as stairs which can be expensive and eat up square footage inside the home.
1 \# v  H: M+ s7 Q) Q. ?/ S# I; A+ `' ^- F1 J* m
As it turns out the difference in cost of a single story ranch Vs two story home is not really enough to make a decision based solely on cost. So what are the important differences that might affect your family?; K  Y  I: N& `5 K7 [

, |* b5 Y7 b, l! a. {' jSingle Story Home
) P4 g3 @0 o5 J: U+ f% TSafer for families with young children and better for older, mobility challenged people and/or pets. Allows for ‘aging in place’.
7 `/ U! v4 v8 o0 P) D( v2 ?  B- HMore options for different ceiling heights and skylights.
# I6 M' K5 \9 U9 |Save up to 100 sq. ft. with no stairs.
! `% y: a7 d. }) z; @+ d, ^" iNo noise from stairs and second story traffic.
- [$ C4 Z1 {  j0 TFewer bathrooms needed.
8 k8 n$ }$ O8 p' T# R7 F$ OCan combine mud room with laundry room.
6 X7 Y3 p/ j9 _) `  d! AEasier to access and clean gutters, roof and outside walls.
+ j  A9 }- ]4 I' jEasier to evacuate in case of fire.4 U( E' V+ D' e& ?0 C
Less expensive to add on to the structure of the home.
9 r9 l1 n) D; ]. R0 F* M3 NEasier to resell. More popular with home buyers.* }2 n& ?, ~2 `9 v5 O4 t4 W
# U* C! r0 T% ~% n8 A' j
Two Story Home
9 ~, p& b& N, {) w9 m* k' C8 m* lRequire less foundation, roof, plumbing and wiring which can lower cost per sq. ft.
$ O* Q; o3 M6 Z2 x; u/ CSmaller footprint means more lot and floor plan options as well as usable yard space.$ a8 Q/ b" t; D! c# B5 k2 d. a* ]
More energy efficient, however two HVAC systems may be required.
9 @1 \  U! ]7 }) q3 o! x& kMore separation between rooms up/down. Better for families with teens.
/ S& R$ H/ F- ?% L% H. x& A$ CSmaller roof to maintain.
" K6 @# U, I. x" y+ M# r) YMore expansive views from second floor.
' O7 e4 m9 \5 iSafe to leave second story windows open.
. b; |9 j2 c2 B& @  p3 B4 |# t# \4 R0 k1 {$ t: \; H4 g
Single story homes are safer for families with young children and more practical for those with mobility issues that might make it difficult or impossible to climb stairs. If you are buying or building a ‘forever’ home, sometimes referred to as aging in place, a single story home is usually the best option.! X/ N5 d$ J  }

- R5 j* R! Y/ r: |1 A& `Two story homes, especially those with a downstairs master bedroom, may be more ideal for those with teenagers living at home. There is more separation between the upstairs bedrooms and bonus rooms and the downstairs living space. The view from the second floor may be more appealing and it’s safer to leave a second floor window open, especially at night.
: I! E" Q8 D# \! D8 j' z
9 \4 G8 p8 c( K$ a- N# YThere are many other factors involved such as accessing exterior siding, gutters and roofing for cleaning and repair, overall footprint and yard space as well as cost to add on to the home later should the need arise. Hopefully, this article will help you when it comes to deciding the best option for your family between a single story ranch Vs two story home.
( u+ v; [  Q2 i- V1 u( c# b1 n' m; u/ F
Floor Plans and Available Homes
6 [3 y: ]- r$ P2 S* A7 ^McKee Homes offers a great selection of single story, two story and three story floor plans. Many of our single story floor plans have an option for a second floor guest suite which is the best of both worlds. View our single story homes floor plans. If you are more interested in two story home floor plans, please visit our main floor plan page., y/ L' d) X' v: B  Q0 v  M

& O% a6 Z9 q$ I. U0 h' ]. y0 mFor move-in ready homes, please visit our advanced search page and select the number of stories you prefer in the search form to see a list all available homes in that style.
鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2019-11-7 11:40 | 显示全部楼层
google 翻译的:* S; d# i. ?$ k* I/ r. i) H
$ H2 ?$ k$ a- F2 V
6 E! f" l: [( g# m* V2 |' ^& x4 L8 ^. i: c! n8 r
" r! C. M4 m* y0 ]: e6 y
如果您正在考虑购买或建造新房屋,则在某个时候,您将不得不考虑单层房屋与两层房屋的优缺点。两种居家风格都有其优点,因此务必要知道哪种风格最适合您的家庭和生活方式。7 j2 D5 q# m3 Y# e

% V; E# ?) R8 r许多人认为,两层楼的房屋更经济,因为它们需要的地基和屋顶结构更少。一楼的房间不需要屋顶,二楼的房间不需要地基。由于房屋中所有房间的距离更近,因此还可以节省管道和电线。但是,两层楼的房屋通常需要第二个HVAC系统来加热和冷却第二层以及楼梯,这可能很昂贵,并且会占用房屋内的平方英尺。# Q' N3 O4 `0 }# [& z
# x: Y7 i8 r! @/ S
事实证明,单层牧场与两层住宅的成本差异实际上不足以仅基于成本做出决策。那么,可能会影响您的家庭的重要差异是什么?1 t, s; t) `  Q/ T2 ^/ z& Z
# P! i$ H" U5 Z# M0 D8 T
; L) |% |& n$ f- r' C带小孩的家庭更安全,而行动不便的老年人和/或宠物则更安全。允许“就地老化”。' s* r6 y2 y8 C+ D, J
' {# c* N# D! s% t- B无需楼梯即可节省多达100平方英尺的空间。2 B8 b# I5 n" e/ Y1 W
1 e( w3 t, G5 Y7 D2 T' [需要更少的浴室。/ ?7 c  S7 ~( P+ k, ?5 P  u* i( D
" b' h) v, |: @" |0 n" y更易于访问和清洁排水沟,屋顶和外墙。
6 ^( E  H0 W9 l- |3 o着火时更容易疏散。% s3 P7 ~) z* Z& ~9 Y) {
) F! ^, J( C& s; K! \更容易转售。在购房者中更受欢迎。
' S$ Z0 G" j. _% r2 \1 i0 Y  C" T* e) ]1 @: O" E1 l# f
. Z) T) H& G7 x0 y! r需要较少的地基,屋顶,水暖和电线,可降低每平方英尺的成本。! \% X1 u5 G5 ?. t% Z
2 x" `6 |# @7 K7 w更加节能,但是可能需要两个HVAC系统。/ E: O6 [, J0 M3 u! S
' y/ v7 J" ~5 v5 k, G维护较小的屋顶。$ E0 e( G9 U6 }) r9 Y
从二楼可以看到更广阔的视野。% x' S2 I! y& Y
9 [  J' X/ ^! B- j) o. z/ O* v6 N$ b# ^& e
/ p8 s$ ]) B6 s1 g/ k+ v( ?& r0 A+ @8 _
两层楼的房屋,尤其是那些在楼下主卧室的房屋,对于那些青少年居住在家里的房屋而言可能更为理想。楼上的卧室和奖励房与楼下的起居空间之间有更多的分隔。从二楼看的景色可能更吸引人,并且更安全地打开二楼的窗户,尤其是在晚上。  t- l9 x8 l& T7 y- E

4 R' }: @' o0 K" `  f) d- w还涉及许多其他因素,例如进入外部壁板,排水沟和屋顶以进行清洁和维修,总体占地面积和院子空间,以及在需要时增加房屋成本。希望本文能为您确定家庭在单层牧场与两层楼之间的最佳选择方面有所帮助。
7 w8 k( G- x# Y
( f  m# x5 u- c- e: [0 G) K6 R) j0 i; l8 c% ~  J6 ^/ S
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-11-7 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(6) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-12-6 11:50 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(128) 鸡蛋(11)
发表于 2019-12-30 08:59 | 显示全部楼层
无栁先生 发表于 2019-12-6 10:50# X0 L* l# d3 R  _0 U0 _0 I# Y4 ~
# N0 L+ ^; X" X
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