埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2019-8-29 15:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-8-29 16:21 编辑
% r# j( G, s" {2 X* q( O3 ^$ V1 ?$ Q
* F% |- s; e4 ~* j0 o3 A地址:10735 95 Street6 t( j. P7 r9 ]& K
, ^; n' j5 o, T$ p8 o- d; _  l
售价:$150 0008 i- b+ o. t/ w( h9 k

2 a+ A+ `' h. @5 D5 k# Z联系方式:老杨团队
# b  O; Y6 T. O( ]3 m) f5 v  G2 F1 m+ v3 z9 g) D9 t; T& L
http://www.fanyangteam.com+ ^1 I/ C  E1 y9 h: E2 N

" n# N0 z" @5 R: A7 `. z: `好房详情:
8 m+ j) `) ]& }3 d9 _/ J, Y( w# v: x) A3 P3 v
https://www.fanyangteam.com/for-sale/10735-95-Street--E4171428: E, C+ x0 Q2 \* @/ e

) m5 h- }) G( X2 g" @& n! p  Q8 E
' x% p) L: a& R1 m2 I
街角超值地块!旺地位于107A大道和95街的交口处,周边是便利商业区,升值潜力巨大!许可用途包括——便利店、牙医\医疗诊所、按摩\美发店、会计师\\律师专业办公室等。宽敞地块足够建筑一幢超2200平尺的双层商业建筑!慧眼识珠、不要错过!7 N- d; B3 n( ?
' [9 A3 p3 `) y+ ]' N" q2 `" _9 g
Fantastic corner lot at the intersection of 107A Ave & 95 Street with high exposure. Zoned CNC - Neighbourhood Convenience Commercial Zone. Permitted use includes Convenience Retail Stores, medical/dental offices, massage/hair salon shops, and a lawyer/accountant professional offices etc. Design of a 2,200+ sqft two-storey commercial building is available.
1 z" L9 R  \9 G3 E
6 W  v+ X2 g6 ~: {: j4 @7 z: j7 J5 S6 s1 [- @/ T
1 T8 Z" c8 b: a6 {8 P
" e* n7 c4 t5 _  c& R  X! ^
, Q5 w, x8 u2 u, A

0 n7 j' y3 p' @( O
- p( U! U( j) J# C7 T! B( o
1 U0 ^! u+ a( M
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