埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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开放日(OPEN House)2-4pm9月15日(周日)面对公园好风光!Haddow超值好房,3卧3卫格...

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-3-21 11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-9-11 14:16 编辑 6 {! ?: X, ^# e! N8 Z  s* L
+ b+ ~6 Y3 ^4 Y9 j& Q: z+ I
地址:370 HEATH RD NW' b0 a5 p) @* N- E$ a/ d0 u0 X
8 h  P% J9 i9 r3 C
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% A( k) I- C' {3 I5 q2 X1 ^, U联系方式:老杨团队
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1 o5 `. o% \" kwww.fanyangteam.com4 i% t; {: z7 }* n8 @7 F# |( \
9 q; a+ v9 e3 t# E' V2 Y( U
9 k6 Y7 Y8 W0 a( H& a5 b  M" x; ]
% y/ e- P. K4 }5 L$ jhttps://www.fanyangteam.com/for-sale/370-heath-road--E4148200
3 J- t& V6 O( D+ f+ Y) n% p7 b9 v$ y/ {. m' \/ t: h

/ P& }& Y* V5 X: a7 H! D1 k) L# e8 ~% S+ x* Z& r" }
精致好房、绝佳视野!这栋2100平尺宜居好房,坐落在成熟名区Haddow,面对公园、绿化带!步入开放式门厅,主层布局规整,设有客厅、餐厅、厨房带有就餐角、家庭房设有燃气壁炉,超大书房!沿实木扶手楼梯拾级而上,二楼三间宽敞卧室,主卧设有燃气壁炉,主卫浴间设有按摩浴缸。地下室已部分装修,设有4扇明窗,采光良好!后院景观已完成,您可驻足在木质甲板之上,欣赏苹果树欣欣向荣!+ Y0 n) M/ Y$ ]& |2 N0 u6 ?

  U& a) C9 V: x$ ]位置便利,可直达学校、商超、公交站,临近各种生活设施!超值美宅、欢迎看房!
( u$ `; `% p3 M: B) U( \( H
9 u: [  E- s" `5 J0 z* n' pFace to the park! This 2100 sqft beautiful family home is right across from the green belt in Haddow. Step into the open to above foyer, the main floor has a traditional layout which contains a living room, formal dining, kitchen with nook, a family room with a gas fireplace , and a large den/office. Walk up along the staircase with solid wood railing, all three bedrooms upstairs are in good size. The comfortable master bedroom even comes with a gas fireplace. There is also a jacucci bathtub in the ensuite. The basement is partially framed. With 4 windows there, you will find the basement is bright and easy to develop. There is a covered wooden deck and matured apple tree at the well landscaped backyard. Quick access to bus, school, shopping centre and all other amenities. A great property at a great location! Come to check it out!
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: Y  v% o# D$ Z# H: U1 ^8 z! W
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-6-22 14:47 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-11 13:16 | 显示全部楼层
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