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[时事热评] guilty until proven innocent

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2018-10-9 12:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
无罪推定 innocent unitl proven guilty
( b% r) n0 V" u9 c& r# a7 @3 t* @2 \
* T# \& f% c  r' J$ n. D6 m8 eThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, states: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.".9 c$ B' n: v; i, ?: h2 A0 ~. m
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但是女生告男生强奸却是 guilty until proven innocent.
1 {) V9 \( y8 S7 ^. V, ^# Z. S9 [& \: y3 t, P1 r+ F" e+ O% N7 A
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0 x5 b9 W( g/ J$ j3 y. FThe prevalence of false accusations is a matter of debate. Disagreement over the proper ratio of false abuse statistics may range anywhere from 20% to 80%.It can be extremely difficult to correctly track the ration of true to false accusations because of the problem in identifying the intent of the accuser.
1 e6 m* W9 O4 j% k, p, C/ u! G: O  I( O% Y# w+ D
昨天听收音机,一个女权主义律师说:女生的言辞就是证据 Her words are evidence. ' i! r( k% ~' i* v

6 a) p- ?$ H# j# a( }, n虽然共和党对 Dr. Ford 比较客气,不直接说她撒谎了。但是间接的说,大法官被 lies and deceptions 委屈了
' G$ L% J' G' [5 z! x- s+ D  s, v# r% j4 W3 b5 R4 }; I
/ n# j/ i* H8 c  r; g
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