埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-8-30 10:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2018-11-16 14:13 编辑
9 O4 @6 u7 H$ S7 Z0 E$ M
* a# [; K9 ~- Q5 j; U地址:#10 7604 29 Ave NW
2 K. l: D9 B9 |4 i/ Y5 _5 a. V
/ G1 v* c  Q* w3 x, [8 `售价:$169,900+ J) R+ O- W' i- j" x% T! B
! \" N( |/ T& G# J/ s: K0 j* Z
联系方式:老杨团队 5 c; ~5 P( G( b5 S

: z2 n) W% }0 y' lhttp://www.century21.ca/cn/fan.yang
0 f/ e8 l( r+ ?+ X# [
; a1 ~; K- v. g5 I' A+ E好房详情:6 ~2 l% L9 t# l1 d2 e$ n
, ], S& Q/ K3 \  J% J: z, A4 ?! C  q" Q5 e! e
) |* v2 ^7 h% h1 U( }

5 ?: ^) p, k* b9 U) k# W' e宽敞3卧1.5卫浴把边儿排屋,震撼超低价!主层一间卧室,另有超大主卧带可步入式衣橱,宽敞大阳台,客厅配备了燃木壁炉,赠送5大件电器!! i* G$ \+ k* c
2 K! V4 P' v3 U  h3 X
位置便利,位于宜居友善社区Millwoods,临近  Kameyosek 公园。步行2分钟可到公交站,5分钟至 lakewood公交中转站,10分钟即可到未来地铁站!临近教堂、学校( K to 9教会学校、公里学校)任君挑选、入学无忧!步行几分钟可到高中!临近 kameyosek 购物中心,这里肯德基、银行、加油站、饭店、药店各种生活设施,极其便利!紧邻 Millwoods recreation centre ,步行5分钟可到Millwood 中心 和 Millbourne 购物中心!$ |1 R4 V( t2 n' [# A! i& w/ c

+ P; A  p/ I4 |0 d: f4 e" h海量升级——2012年新近更换的入口大门、高端三层明窗、屋顶,2017年重新安装了围栏、铺设了全新混凝土地面。2年全新粉刷、3整年新冰箱和洗衣机。整装地下室铺设了层压式地板和地毯,设有超大家庭房和一个房间,满足您生活所需。另配备了两个停车位!1 z/ z# @* A9 u
- b, e8 v1 @5 Z6 s7 i# p+ ~  Q3 A
超低价格、不要错过!) y9 `2 C7 l' v3 L; N! V3 z1 w" W$ ~
% l5 t9 C" B3 s1 V* p% Z3 B
Spacious end unit 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom condo with a main floor bedroom, huge master bedroom with a walk in closet and a big balcony and wood burn fire place in the living room. 5 applicances.
/ T2 N  A2 e9 W4 A% B+ P6 z
: P& K' E  f' V( X( Q% J( d, cGreat location in Millwoods near to Kameyosek park. 2 min walking distance to many bus stations and 5 min walking lakewood transit centre stop,  10 min walking to future LRT station. Close to Church, schools, one missionary school and one public, both K to 9, and few mins walking to a high school. Near to kameyosek shopping center, with KFC, banks, Gas station, restaurant and Pharmacy. Close to Millwoods recreation centre 5 min driving to Millwood town centre and Millbourne mall. Newer entry door and 3 layer windows and roof installed in 2012, new concrete ground and fence re-installed in 2017. 2 year painting , 3 year old fridge and washer. Basement fully finished with laminate floor and carpet, with one room and big family room. Two parking stall.
4 x' t; C5 J9 {" Z
) v: ^. h( ]3 K+ c7 }0 N4 h7 x; t) O# M( o
0 H+ k0 f3 T& w+ e
+ f' f! I. t  Q/ m2 T

9 A  f5 s' h# L0 w! p/ D3 P9 Y, S0 S8 q3 \& |1 p$ a: ^7 K$ s7 w

! p+ X  I3 Q  X1 }. ^/ \0 v+ G/ V& E( d
2 h8 K* Z  k+ G- a4 d8 C, R* [

' x, R/ r) B9 y9 y
) c" {9 `5 q0 }( O2 ?! P3 u$ E; {7 S$ t; t8 A% O

1 N' ?& ?! k0 _% V* p5 u4 X) f/ M
$ V  i2 \( Y* p1 w! K4 ]5 R8 |! U" m8 z
& x  T0 a# b+ O

5 F3 }  |1 _3 z/ k: p8 ~% ~$ X! a' f: [

5 E6 K, O, b- C$ d* H
4 r& l: _: {6 @. K( q8 j8 w# a% e) ], ^& ]2 Q5 _9 \; \

+ ?; A6 N6 H! J/ b" i0 d0 ~1 K8 n; m, I) i
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-11-16 13:12 | 显示全部楼层
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