埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2018-6-25 11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-5-30 12:12 编辑
# d3 D1 e' w. j  B7 |! R5 Y$ I7 V. s- [; L4 g: Y5 `5 E# e- b
9 D7 W" n; s! T! n7 H4 O
  q  W% z9 m; x) |) K3 z% A0 [售价:$299,000
2 b& z4 q, e; \# f
9 f2 z# j1 d& B/ _联系方式:老杨团队
5 Z  K; K# I- w. L9 n
( a" `7 O/ ]+ }8 ~http://www.fanyangteam.com5 C9 t& ]8 p9 n8 R9 m

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9 C; E0 K% D# Q: O; s7 T
; I' G% a) q# b1 o* ~! d/ [4 B! U; D
; {8 O( t* R  Z+ c; g时尚多元餐饮店——香浓的咖啡、怡人的美酒、便捷早餐、商务午餐……更多精彩,一言不足道尽!这家独特的时尚多元居酒屋卫浴埃德蒙顿Jasper大道一处黄金旺铺!潮范儿雅致精装,令人惬意的聚会环境,让客人流连忘返!周边高端写字楼、住宅楼林立,分分钟到市中心!店铺1300平尺,长租是稳定生意的保障!店内经营特色精品咖啡、啤酒等各色饮品,可制作方便早餐、淡雅午餐等。客源稳定,发展潜力巨大。自己做老板,恰逢其时!
& w; p' `- o2 i  |$ u5 W8 d$ r6 F% X5 Q: s
Call it a cafe, a bar, an eatery for breakfast or light lunch? Not exactly. A unique cafe and beer place with trendy & modern decor and amazing atmosphere for relaxing meeting & events. High exposure location on Jasper AVE, surrounded with high rise residential/ office buildings & minutes from downtown core. 1,300 sqft with long term lease. Great selection of specialty coffee, beer and drinks. Breakfast & light lunch menu available. Steady business with great growing potential.
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6 D3 ~1 E! g" T8 I
. ^" v! w+ ]- B( i1 x' }. l) z0 C+ {  u
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