埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-7-24 20:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
各位帅哥靓女们,马上新的学期就要开始了,你们的电脑准备好了吗?) D! C, i5 ]3 ^; A3 O8 ]
6 |/ g9 \+ u, `6 k9 D$ W
什么?电脑慢了需要升级?请交给我吧。+ d) d4 n3 A7 \" }, `( R8 z  v0 F

/ \) ^' f0 q3 W. b; b什么?你没有电脑,你想配一台新的?请交给我吧。
/ g$ D, S, q, u& E: V) _* q( h7 n/ f
什么?你不知道配什么的?请告诉我你的预算和用途,交给我吧。/ h4 _/ |! H  M7 m

8 x) Q& U  K: e: E+ E什么?你有自己的配置,不知道装而已?请交给我吧。. [2 L' f, X  ~# |+ L; X$ X

5 v  \8 s6 t: U- U* |* T# z% u- D0 |/ W什么?你只是有些关于你的电脑的问题?如果我知道的,我会给出我自己的意见。
& [8 L1 ~$ r$ u
& B9 U' a+ [  Z本人留学生,代帮各位装配电脑,安装系统Ultimate Window 7或者Pro Window10 加上office2013,包括解决部分电脑问题。
. w, k& Z4 Q5 u# v1 H$ ?2 H; g$ L- Y) F% F( _1 n% V
华人学生凭学生证免费。个人自愿。这不是商业广告。5 T. p/ S( c; D) h; U: n6 m
联系方式:780-782-2308 晚上需短信,谢谢
2 d  Y2 r1 U) k# V) j4 ?
$ H* d  u" g, N$ n0 B8 h* yHey guys, the new school year is coming soon, is your computer ready for it?* o) r' x' g. k
: G7 @/ C4 Y' X5 Z
What? The desktops and notebooks are slow or old, want update? I will handle it for you./ Z% o; K3 X4 @/ R% p8 d3 U/ U
* ^" l: ^' j8 O9 |+ J
What? You don’t have a desktop, wanna build a new one? I will handle it for you.( R) y4 J+ }+ T9 j+ m8 ]" B

/ x  V0 q/ o: A% V' B# y" HWhat? You have no any idea of building a desktop? Please tell me your budget and I will help you out.
$ w5 S: m' S. k& K8 L
0 W2 w; b3 R! S3 R: N' jWhat? You already had your configurations, just don’t know how to put them together? I will handle it for you.8 t" w) d' G, y, j
# [! v( @5 M2 O/ ?
What? You got questions for me about your computers? I will give you my opinions if I know.
, Z5 L- G" E9 P- s
- G4 j: N  }/ f" W$ @( E5 |) AI am an international student who is able to help you guys building a new desktop, installing Ultimate window 7 or Pro 10 operation systems, installing office 2013. Including solving a few problems of your computers." h8 g- L% {$ B- `1 ~; g
8 Y" e+ r( n* ^% W0 v* E
Offering this service to all Chinese Students for free, just show me your student ID. ! R# O" R( y7 |% E) a" B5 P
6 a$ g. _- W3 U- [4 O$ L, @" h* a# ~
You do it just because you are willing to, and this is not a commercial advertisement.; ^2 g2 C6 t* {( }  Q
Contact me at 780-782-2308, you may need to text me after sunset, thanks.
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-12-1 22:43 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(12) 鸡蛋(6)
发表于 2017-5-31 10:03 | 显示全部楼层
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