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Amazing grace, by Barack Obama

鲜花(152) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2015-6-26 13:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 billzhao 于 2015-7-8 08:45 编辑 ) O5 p% H0 s$ z: g$ q. t8 y% H

# C5 i/ Y6 M9 x! _& V5 pPresident Barack Obama ended his at times solemn, at times rousing eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney, who was killed along with eight other African-American churchgoers last week, by leading the congregation in “Amazing Grace.”  P& k# C8 c( V  I, C$ d5 a% m
- m. P5 h% M) A: i
After repeating those words, “Amazing Grace,” several times, the president paused before launching into the song as the mourners joined him.* q6 t' K# r9 W6 T

9 h  B+ i$ k+ @8 ^( h. ~) Z; |. }Watch video below, via CNN:) D& L. Y/ Q! L

) s0 S4 E; ?0 ^$ S4 mhttp://www.mediaite.com/tv/watch ... charleston-funeral/7 {  b" G! j6 \6 A) d* n
- n2 |  D* E2 d* y0 p$ L  b

, X7 S( q/ i) C. m% E1 ?2 E5 @2 QAmazing Grace Lyrics
) O" n( h8 Z* j$ D, P, r8 m) [3 b  A$ ?  o
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,( t4 J: |+ L  Q, F3 n2 ~& ?) B: a
That saved a wretch like me.0 f0 L( J0 M( n4 m, |
I once was lost but now am found,% _; {5 y3 [1 A5 x/ l$ o/ q
Was blind, but now I see.! h' k& O2 K+ u4 a: U
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.+ W: d6 R+ e  [1 N
And Grace, my fears relieved.2 Q0 I( j0 ~( f( ]
How precious did that Grace appear
' ?1 O: P* O! N" xThe hour I first believed.! T; E* I/ d- J0 m) G1 }8 x) E
Through many dangers, toils and snares
! [  m* ?: R6 q( LI have already come;$ ?4 |+ M7 O: X$ x; e. F- f
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
$ ?" e* v9 }% \and Grace will lead me home.
4 A6 n- K5 y% F2 D2 Z% U' oThe Lord has promised good to me.: D/ V9 f) y, o
His word my hope secures.1 E8 L0 G% |. J; W
He will my shield and portion be,& b% j3 F# D6 g" q  ^
As long as life endures.' I( _7 e7 `! v- v
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,) ?% H0 `/ a" a5 S4 G
And mortal life shall cease,4 s2 \  x; w2 \* {) {* H7 @2 V
I shall possess within the veil,' x: j( V/ J) s# x4 ]0 ^$ W
A life of joy and peace.
/ {/ w4 d7 m6 b" O1 j* a$ U) l
3 Q# ~1 U4 K+ `Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,5 e+ w5 `$ b4 [
And mortal life shall cease;
7 s1 j% E5 Q' B4 b; g& l7 M+ d$ k7 rI shall profess, within the vail,3 p6 P' B% I+ _8 G- K4 q2 l1 P
A life of joy and peace.5 q+ {5 f* p: ^0 f, Q( I

* H! j% E* Q- I6 Y! y- c
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2015-6-27 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(104) 鸡蛋(37)
发表于 2015-7-8 06:36 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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