埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[求职信息] 室内设计在这里好找工作吗?

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-24 21:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在NAIT上学,现在要选专业了,不知道该选什么。+ F4 a+ z* P" z
) Z9 w9 n& V$ r2 ~' q. h所以想听听大家的意见。' Z) G$ {) ~) e- Z9 G
" b# K- o3 A8 N7 c) Z谢谢大家了。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-24 22:59 | 显示全部楼层
4 w% C$ ^% g9 F上次去nait面试,拉我的那个出租车司机就是nait计算机专业毕业的,告诉我还是开出租能养活家人。如果没有以前的计算机专业背景和经验的话,nait的毕业证不如ua的好使。
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-25 09:02 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-26 21:34 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
原帖由 smallteger 于 2009-3-25 10:02 发表 ' M9 A8 a  M2 b
室内设计至少现在还是很不好找工作的,毕竟室内设计的工作室少,我从去年11月被LAYOFF到现在都没找到合适的工作。计算机专业我个人认为,虽然学的人多,但毕竟范围广,几乎每个公司都要配IT人员,所以从就业角度来说 ...

& Y4 F- F, l7 p/ X1 g+ W1 f7 Q
: d% K( _; z- CKasian 再招一个中级的和一个高级的室内设计
( N) e6 _8 \) Q/ c& D" w; B9 v8 b3 ?# b0 d
Country Canada [CA]
( R# N$ {" a& r8 f1 NTitle Intermediate Interior Designer
& v( T3 p& m' n9 r9 f) I3 PJob ID EIID0708 ; s3 |  Y6 w# v
Position Overview The Intermediate Interior Designer will provide design service and manage small to medium projects. # F8 E; c) B9 n
Responsibilities & Duties Plan and prepare drawings for new or existing interior spaces% ?- g1 c3 h7 S; g( ~7 t
Complete design & technical assignments& \3 d$ ], p) i, ?  j
Translate program requirements into design concepts
, Q7 ^2 S8 Y1 I$ ~/ DPrepare design and technical reports
0 ~2 }( E( c5 l# v. @0 PPrepare design concept alternatives# [( @7 _5 y2 N+ W2 h/ z
Prepare sections of construction documents and may complete construction documents for small projects
6 H' N" f/ W, t; F5 c( o5 sPrepare specifications, quotes and cost estimates
0 o$ E: C6 ]! e4 hFacilitate and attend client meetings
$ h1 R  M3 L: t/ j" l$ k# v' VProgramming, design and space planning for projects7 ?* {  F5 D0 M# h
Code review4 l* I+ i3 a* M4 X7 d
Shop drawing review
. l- r/ o! ]0 i- g+ gCoordination of team, consultants, suppliers, trades, clients and end users  d9 ]/ ]. L) l( `4 e
Mentoring junior interior designers; C( q* X# x: d- F5 w  n- P
1 l7 x1 a4 q, E! v- WProject management (dependant on project size)
5 A+ t9 E% ~+ T/ |: X$ O* J0 K8 dScheduling and  budgeting – ensuring proper execution of project8 x: n+ f$ E7 V1 G" X5 S

) Y1 _4 s/ H6 y; DMinimum Requirements Graduate from an Interior Design Technology Diploma or degree in Interior Design coupled with 4-8 years of experience/ }4 D0 R: \. o" `% S. g9 R: N% Q
Proficient with using AutoCAD, understanding Revit is an asset1 [' K) M3 F8 z& M
Strong communication, organization, interpersonal, and problem solving skills
% O+ g2 {1 G' i$ |5 r$ L$ m0 jGood construction knowledge7 Z: P* ?/ h, ~! m" ^
Design capability7 v- g- R( P" R& C' h* l% S
Understanding of project requirements to execute project2 j7 P+ |3 e0 v! i  r5 C# k
Proven time management skills
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2009-3-27 09:00 | 显示全部楼层
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