埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 12:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- Q2 a7 ~# U2 l% O: e  ]. X28天后,8月初收到信,说要交ROE表;
$ k8 H) w2 \  i1 [. Q) l* M1 ?8月中旬交了ROE表,再查网上,说要等到9月9号才能做决定;
) g* F9 r6 `' i4 ~到了9月10号再查网上,说还没做决定,但会ASAP做决定.......0 v% {: K) M  w- ^4 m
1 Q. |: C, o* f( ^
6 S" E" K9 p: \* R8 u晕哦,给就给,不给就不给,怎么会一拖再拖呢?
3 j4 q! {( s5 K. G$ p% Y: ~* U2 p应该去哪里问比较好?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 13:16 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 13:22 | 显示全部楼层
sevice canada
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 13:23 | 显示全部楼层

自己辞职的好 象没的拿

老杨团队 追求完美
自己辞职的好 象没的拿
鲜花(546) 鸡蛋(20)
发表于 2008-9-11 15:25 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 dudu001 于 2008-9-11 14:23 发表
5 h/ T' [+ ^) Q2 |, c' ~8 `0 _自己辞职的好 象没的拿
1 B; t; T) ~1 l
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 15:30 | 显示全部楼层
EI is only for those who were laid-off or maturity leave or sick.( Y) Q) _, A3 g

. W) S, [$ p1 a. pIf you quit your job, you are not qualified to get EI.
6 |: }  c8 u! q$ g" `2 m. g
) f/ B/ Q: m& j( }. i& ?$ T+ i1 DCheck your ROE, Reason for Leave: if it is "Quit", you might not be qualified.: Q& e6 ?2 e1 f" H/ e. i
' B! j3 F. m. E3 P) }3 j
As I know, the procedure should not be longer than 2-3 weeks.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-11 16:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Cold_Beer 于 2008-9-11 16:30 发表
8 r1 ]5 S4 `* U6 a. bEI is only for those who were laid-off or maturity leave or sick.
7 {" N) M* [! ~/ w* M8 w
( `( D6 O, R+ `3 c" @; |If you quit your job, you are not qualified to get EI.
5 B- |0 X4 s8 p1 q6 D6 F# W, y! N1 ~, a
Check your ROE, Reason for Leave: if it is "Quit", you might not be quali ...

( x2 k, C; i8 M! E& Z对啊,如果不给,直接拒绝不就完了嘛,怎么拖了两个多月还说没做决定呢?
鲜花(13) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 17:09 | 显示全部楼层
请问一下,我也申请了怀孕EI,在没有领到钱之前也需要进行report吗?如何进行report on-line.
鲜花(65) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-11 20:33 | 显示全部楼层

quit job can get EI

I am receiving EI now. when you want to go to school. first, ask your school give you a letter to proof you are full time student. bring this letter , 4 pay stubs and the yellow paper that talk about your program together to see a EI stuff. she will give a letter allow you quit your job. then you give to your working place. before two weeks the program starts, you can leave your job. otherwise, they don't pay you. they need 28 days to deal with your file. if you want know more detail. please leave your phone number. I will call you.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-12 08:46 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-12 15:17 | 显示全部楼层
打电话询问一下吧。; G; k  ]$ i! @' a- U# K# }
鲜花(26) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2008-9-12 15:47 | 显示全部楼层
如果你辞职是为了上学,ROE 表上理由是RETURN TO SCHOOL。好象是因为搬家(Moving),上学,生孩子(Maternity),生病(Illness or injury), 被解雇(Dismissal),照顾孩子(PARENTAL)辞职可以拿EI。如果你的ROE 表上的理由是QUIT。估计比较困难。我拿过生孩子和上学的EI,都挺快的。
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