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[论坛信息] Folk remedies (too fast, and even the Thin Man way to gain weight there)

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发表于 2011-4-25 23:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1, thick black skin: skin whitening by cosmetic only temporary cover up, symptomatic not a cure. This is to introduce a treatment table while the real root of the problem can make the skin whitening white magic formula, there are special effects that simple: use white vinegar and glycerin, mixed 2:1, and often paint on the skin, two to three times a day, the skin moist, reduce melanin deposition in January after the delicate skin that is delicate, clean and smooth and elastic, full of beauty (the black square on both genetic effects). 2, in addition to facial wrinkles: fresh cucumber juice and a half two equal volume of egg white (about one egg), mix well and wash your face every night before bedtime,ed hardy soldes, and then smear facial wrinkles Office, next morning wash with warm water once a half to January, so that the gradual contraction of the skin to eliminate wrinkles have effects
* N' S9 T; a* A 3, except freckles: Almond * 5 money, ground into fine powder, transferred into a paste with egg white, coating the face every night before bed, wash with warm water next morning, one day, 10 ~ 15 markedly thereafter not at all.
+ ?. j; k+ e$ ]5 x6 k3 C4 ? 4, chloasma, Hu Dieban: melon juice, white vinegar equal, mixes paint on the face, day 2 or 3 times, after the paint than 10 minutes and wash once a half months can be inter net. * N, f) t- o5 V8 Q! x$ N4 L  L3 V7 p
5, except facial pigmentation: fresh tomato juice and honey mixed by 2 to 1, coated face, wash after 10 minutes, once every 10 to 15, can decompose melanin, the skin become ruddy. 4 w9 i8 q; J( `# L
6, except acne (wine thorns, acne, acne): fresh cucumber juice and equal amount of white vinegar and mix thoroughly, wash with hot water first and then paint on the face, three times a day, after the paint washed off with warm water for 10 minutes, Lian Yong half can be more. After not at all.
" I# j7 s! Z" J5 C, G+ d8 \ 7. facial acne under: (prescription). Manjing foam sub-study. Apply to join cream every night for several days Jiyu. ; {) A3 a6 p6 v, |6 M$ v
8. face mole removed point method: Luoyang: Talk on. quicklime, white base the half of the tune into a paste with alcohol, the mole on the half point that out.
5 x6 n4 T1 B& T2 \! n- L 9. the surface of Black Star: (prescription). coriander (aka cilantro) Jiantang wash every day, a few days removed.
: v) k) r& O8 `" Q 10. In addition to mole: charred broken peanuts, and mix thoroughly with alcohol, painted mole on the coat before going to bed every night and wrap the next morning wash once a half months can be subject to paragraph (a large mole be painted months). - X$ L# o+ K' `4 t$ r7 H
11. alopecia, dandruff, scalp itch: each with mulberry root bark * 4 money, water jin, add vinegar 2 2 boil wash your hair, for once, do not washed with water too far for 5 days , can promote blood circulation of scalp, hair-fixing role and governance of dandruff, scalp itch, can be further hair. ) N4 X) l& ^1 h9 ^1 ^
12. receive many (alopecia areata, bald): According to 54 use, and rub the scalp with the old ginger daily 3 to 5 times, with 54 the same with a half months later in January will not re-grow a thick hair . 1 @2 k. a; n$ b* Y3 L' v
13. hair brightening: beer and vinegar mixed by 2 to 1, the daily moisture with a towel, then cover hair once, once a half months. Brighten natural hair.
0 {1 B  g$ A* ~) A% N( I% _4 J 14. baldness: Henan Shaolin Chuan Taoist side. cock first three smashed, honey tone of the magic of James.
8 _) s' G4 }" d8 m 15. yellow hair black *: (Health magazine) (1): Bo Shell 300 grams, into bags, pillow when sleeping at night, adhere to six months to eight months. Mulberry Church. (2): East Bank jujube root (small tear in the root of eastern wild jujube) 3 2 boiled washed once a day, even wash a week, long and black hair.
% }! k4 I2 L5 [. |3 f, X 16. hair early white: Polygonum * 3 2, 7, 2 walnut meat, black sesame seeds 2 pounds, with fried dried, ground into flour for half of two with brown sugar, water transfer service, the second day, with services in January, over 3 to 4 months later, the hair may turn black, avoid beans, fatty meat, fried food.
" I3 f# R; `) Q$ J9 w$ f& j 17. Shaobai Tou black hair: Chinese Medical Association (1) Bo shell fitted pillows, pillow for half a year since the black. (2) Polygonum 32, black sesame seeds 32 finish in three installments of boiling water add brown sugar. Ate a half months later, black white hair gradually. - ~# Y; j- W5 m
18. hair loss effects method: Yunnan famous doctors: Li Xiaoshi white. with leaf boiled water, wash your hair, on the 3rd Jiyu
6 d* C6 Y" R; j  }2 b) z" [ 19. slimming: every day * 10 grams of dried lotus leaf, dried gourd skin * 20 grams, bubble hot water to drink (can be two to three times bubble), once every 1 to 2 months, there is to thick greasy, scraping the effect of oil is the preferred weight loss side effects. Avoid fat, greasy, eat less sugar.
! C6 ^5 C, O+ R  p* Z: Y5 D/ b# R9 I 20. The slim gain weight: egg 2, playing in a bowl, add tomato juice 1 tablespoon of Health and the amount of sugar, use equal amount of open water will become half cooked food once a day, morning flight, ate in January the future will gradually gain weight.
/ F2 O, e) ^3 `7 \9 ?+ o* W 21. whiten teeth: with salt, baking soda equal, add water and mix thoroughly, brush your teeth once a day, 3 to 4 days all the spots except the teeth surface, so the teeth white. . X% Z! L, B* Q3 ]: Y
22. rosacea: white radish cut into pieces, dipped in white vinegar rub the affected area, a 3-minute, three times a day, once a week, cured.
3 Z. J$ C. R/ N; O+ X) l; U 23. Women anti-aging: beauty ??Material??: longan 20, system 15 grams of Radix, Angelica sinensis 6 g, 6 red dates, rock sugar 50 grams. ?? ??Production: 1. The system Radix, Angelica to the net impurity, dried into powder; dates to go nuclear, washed, cut into fine; longan meat minced. Wash the pan in the fire, mixed with water for about 700 grams,t-shirts baby milo, adding Radix, Angelica powder, cook a few open, the next longan, red dates, rock sugar revolve about 300 grams of soup Serve. 1 `4 U- x1 h# ~4 ]
?? ??Features: sweet soup palatable. ?? ??Help: System Shouwu liver or kidney, Yijing blood, black hair, Yue color, Jiufu longevity. Angelica blood and blood; longan replenishing marrow, the U.S. color, lip skin; dates keep his temper, flat stomach qi, through Jiuqiao to help twelve, Jiufu Qingshenjianfei sickness. This into a beauty dish Yan, Run the effect of the skin. Celebrex young women eat can grow on. / O, s! f! C  y7 D0 P4 j1 |
24. whitening beauty: beauty ??Material??: chicken 150 grams, 60 grams of lily flowers, mushrooms 3, fungus 30 g, Onion 1, salt, MSG the right amount. ?? ??Production: Day Lily, fungus, mushroom foam made with water, choose clean; mushroom slice; chicken washed, cut, mix with salt; onions washed, cut flowers. Day Lily, mushroom silk, fungus release water pot, boil a few minutes with a slow fire, add one chicken cook until cooked, put chopped green onion, salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning can be. ?? ??Usage: Gastronomic food, daily 1 to 3 times 150 ml ~ 200 ml. ?? ??Efficacy: blood and blood, body beauty. Not applicable to China looking, premature aging face dry. After the weak health of the disease, anemia, or neurasthenia, high blood pressure, also curative. ?? ??Taboo: cold and fever are unfit for human consumption.
; s- h1 H5 f- M: U, Z 25. treatment of seborrheic alopecia: Speranskia 15 grams, one dose per day, water to cook, wash your hair after the first smoke, washed with water washing, usually three can be effective.
! T% f6 c8 c) R2 E; } 26. Governance premature graying: Mulberry 30 g, dodder seed 30 g 30 g Radix, black beans 25 grams, water simmer in water, Decoction and eat beans, night time, with service in January, government dim eyes, hair back White.
# Q: o7 Z# V" C0 `# G; B 27. acne: Henan famous doctors. White extensively 30 grams, 10 grams of salt. Spend 2 hours a day topical drug soaked, paint the affected area.
% W- h* f  h/ p0 b 28. anti-aging: the fresh tomato juice to add a little pounded sugar, every day of their surfaces, make the skin smooth and delicate, beauty and aging very good.
9 }; i; h2 |* S) M- H  T/ M ?? alopecia areata
  _  z6 U2 [8 K 29. Mulberry Paper soup governance alopecia: the mulberry paper revolve thick stew (200g of mulberry Piga 1000cc of water, revolve 500cc of stew), or use rice wine dipping Mulberry Paper (dip of about a week or so), then washed my hair, the use of these mulberry fluids to smear scalp, the final rinse, hair loss, where it will soon grow new hair, and will become very black hair grow, not only can help the hair it even eyebrows and other body hair growth. ' C6 b3 p; M5 }' i; m0 d* l# u
30. black pepper sesame stalk stalk treatment of alopecia areata: black sesame stalk, stalk the amount of pepper, cut into pieces, soaked with alcohol amount, 7 days may be used. When taken with wine Tucha lesion, 1 several times. Light hair who in January will be about regeneration. & C9 L# x5 s6 A, x  J: n* k
31. capsicum rule alopecia areata: Chuanjiao, 5 grams of each pepper, adding vinegar 100ml soaking. Rub the affected area 2-3 times a day. 1 D% b, `' _9 t9 V* O4 L$ h+ z/ e
32. Kashiwaba pepper tincture treatment of alopecia areata: Kashiwaba 50 grams of fresh red pepper 10, 75% alcohol 500 grams, were sealed into the bottle after half a day, rubbed affected area 5-7 times. This side is better for children. / u# J1 T' U: S2 |& k
33. Fuling powder to cure Alopecia Areata: White Poria 500 grams, ginger appropriate. Poria first study to go-(or processing by the pharmacy on behalf of), bottling sealed, 6 grams per serving, 2 times a day, warm water, should adhere to medication in order to give birth for the degree of hair root. Another take ginger cut, rubbed with fresh cut surface area of alopecia areata, 3-5 times a day, can stimulate the affected area Early hair. # w3 U& @- A2 h' I" T# e- E
34. Tremella quail egg sandwich senile plaques: water 50 grams of fat, white fungus, cooked quail eggs three, plus a small amount of rice wine, monosodium glutamate, salt, slow fire braising and stewing, Shulan of eating, adhere to long to eat to clear the senile plaques. ; k* C+ z. ?6 X3 a  H; U, w
35. Governing senile plaques side: the Yunnan white powder diluted in the liquor, dip every day painting the affected area several times in this wine, age spots can be off on their own and do not leave scars.
9 P. y. \+ x, f# C& i8 | 36. ginger and honey water for addition to senile plaques: Take fresh ginger pieces into the cup in volume, with 200-300 ml of water soaked 5-10 minutes, then add a little honey and mix the water to drink.
: h" h" j+ _0 J* a 37. egg treatment of senile plaques: egg painted spots several times a day, a week can be effective.
* d8 p; q5 Y  w/ |, {3 ~+ a2 p 38. MI Ren rule senile plaques: MI Ren about 40 grams of cooked or steamed, then add white sugar right amount, once finished. Mild cases of senile plaques can be recovered months or so, and might continue to take to the effective date. 7 n# Q, K0 \! Z9 K6 C% J
39. black fungus treatment age spots: black fungus appropriate. Wash the end of drying for the daily soup meal delivery service 3 grams. Can cure the surface of dark spots, a month can be effective. " m9 z1 o' C. \7 D7 a0 I' E; z
40. aloe juice addition to senile plaques: A three-year-extruded aloe juice, there is a long smear of senile plaques in place, adhere to morning and evening, the first time about a month age spots can be changed by the deep shallow and even disappear. 4 |7 P8 }! i! T! V8 \
41. Yiyiren senile plaques rule: Take about 40 grams Yiyiren cooked or steamed, then add white sugar right amount, once finished. Mild senile plaques were about two months to heal,chaussures converse, and might continue to take to the effective date.
5 {* ~! h. Q6 n3 R6 S0 I; _ 42. ginger honey addition to senile plaques: I drink ginger honey water more than a year, face and back of the hand, etc. of the senile plaques significantly changed or reduced to varying degrees, or color change shallow. Take is: Take appropriate amount of fresh ginger pieces into the cup, with 200 to 300 ml boiling water soak 5 to 10 minutes, then add a little honey and mix the water to drink. ) v7 h9 C  F, {4 G9 O
43. jujube can remove age spots: seven dry dates, and research go-between, sieved, with the amount transferred into a paste of white petroleum jelly. After washing the face every night before bed, a thin smear layer, the next day to get up early can be washed off. Persist for several months, the prevention and treatment of senile plaque effect.
4 e) d5 K# N' f; x 44. gourd juice to skin care: skin care sponge gourd juice, if want to go to oil, gourd juice can, and then from 1500 to 2000 ml of warm water, adding loofah juice from 75 to 100 ml, packed in bottles stored, used for washing the face every day. The Loofah continuous use 20 days or less about water, can remove excess skin oils, facial pores become small flat. If you want sun, the amount of sponge gourd juice and honey, ice milk mix, apply to the face after 15-20 minutes, wash with water. In addition to wrinkles if you want to net the bottle gourd juice stored in sealed, wash your face every night, after using tampons dipped in sauce evenly on the face loofah, twenty minutes later washed with water, stick to be significant results.
/ r; N( c! b9 v" o6 y" m$ ^; @ 45. to UFA, food Mulberry: Mulberry 1000 grams, amount of boiling water, every 30 minutes to take a decoction, add water, fry, were taken decoction twice. Combined decoction, then simmer to a more viscous concentrated suffering, add honey to boil 300 grams of the cease-fire, cool reserve bottling. Every time a tablespoon of boiling water for drinking red, twice daily.
, K$ k) G% s. z3 E1 @ 46. Governance premature graying side: Rehmannia glutinosa 100 grams, 150 grams of evergreen, black mulberry 120 grams, 60 grams of black sesame, yam and 200 grams of drugs, the South candle son, pepper 30 each grams, 150 grams of gingko, giant Katsuko 45 grams, 2,000 grams wine. The drug of trace fine, with white cloth storage bag,juicy couture bags, placed the net device, the Jiujin Java juice 7 days to spare. Warm drink 1-2 cups per fasting, sooner or later, 1. - q6 o0 G/ m% U1 z' |
47. mulberry treatment early white hair: black mulberry smashed, with gauze leaching juice, put ceramic pot, a little honey added in appropriate concentrations, stir well revolve into paste, After cooling, standby bottling. 2 tablespoons each morning and evening services, water delivery service.
6 r5 b# U" I6 M3 [( T 48. Sydney UFA beans: black beans 30 grams, Sydney 1 - 2. The pear slices, add water and stir the pot boil beans put together, the change ??? overripe. Pear soup, day 2, once every 1530 days. The side lung and kidney tonic, high quality goods for the UFA. $ R) h" b7 Q. m( `8 y+ {) n9 L" R
49. garlic hair treatment: 2 garlic, ginger piece, Daocheng mashed them, rub the scalp, then wash with water, can be sprayed some perfume, reducing garlic flavor, rub a row 3-4 months to take effect.
. T( Y5 j; O' a9 O6 Y8 C 50. Governance young white hair recipes: psoralen, Curculigo, Eclipta, raspberry, wolfberry, dodder seed, mulberry each 10 grams, 30 grams Rehmannia, Lian be 5 grams. Day one, add water to cook per dose 3 times amount of honey, warm clothing before meals. 7 Z! S# U0 S& @4 n" y
51. m Vinegar tobacco hair loss treatment: Take 30 grams of tobacco leaves, immersed in about 10 days in 90 ml vinegar, rubbed the affected area with cotton swabs dipped in medicine 3 times a day , rubbed a few hours after the drug had itching, usually 3-5 days, new patients will have place out of cashmere. : ?5 J3 E! F) y# Z( Y9 G
52. walnut ice against hair loss: Walnut 2, pija 3, Oriental Arborvitae 30 grams, ice amount. Taste of the first 3 smashed with ice water (or snow) immersion for 3 weeks Serve. Toilet when the hair with a comb dipped in ice water. Its effectiveness can prevent hair loss. According to \3 D2 n8 c9 V* p) u8 c
53. peony petals hair loss treatment: Take the peony petals open every 1,000 grams, washed and dried. Early and late depicting the petals and tea leaves 1 gram amount, set the cup with boiled water service. 20 days with drinking, hair loss may stop or large improving.
' H8 Y: \1 I0 w" {. M- _9 X5 P6 e 54. pomelo nuclear governance hair: if hair is yellow, alopecia areata, can be used grapefruit nuclear 25 grams, soaked with water after 24 hours, coated swab 2-3 times a day, you can speed up the hair growth.
2 N' C$ y# E" u& o5 ~  ` 55. Lotus grows new hair stop hair loss: 1, birth to a sore boil the scalp hair in winter is often not students, can be used ginger rubbed the affected area, long time, that is able to grow new hair. 2, in shampoo, add a little brandy, side massaging hair wash, long-term adherence, the hair can not fall off.
( D9 w6 Z2 x" f+ a: b, y7 T9 J 56. pig bile hair loss treatment: a pig. Porcine bile into the semi-basin of warm water, stir and wash your hair or lesion, the cleaned oil-like scaly, and then rinse once a day. This side especially suitable for seborrheic alopecia.
, y+ v' r" P5 @, U 57. Epimedii hair loss treatment: Oriental Arborvitae 30 g, Chinese angelica 20 grams. Will boiling water on the drug to the residue after the juice. Day 1, dose 2 times. % L: N+ \0 ]3 _1 {8 j
58. Angelica black sesame hair loss treatment: Angelica, each 250 grams of black sesame, brown sugar amount. The angelica, black sesame, after research into the go-Wei Chao. Chongfu after each meal with brown sugar 1 tablespoon water, 3 times daily service, with service for 2 months.
8 M# o& y/ a4 ^0 u; j 59. thicken thinning hair side: with 1 teaspoon honey, a fresh chicken egg yolk, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, and 2 teaspoons of shampoo, mix together against the amount of onion juice, smear In the scalp, put on plastic film cap, keep the top hat with warm hot towel. Over 1-2 hours, then washed clean and hair shampoo. Persist for some time, sparse hair, the situation will improve. $ I: G) W# n! v8 V' a8 D; v+ U
60. wine hair loss treatment: hair ginger 100 grams, 100 grams of white leather moss, cypress leaves, moderate, soaking 700 grams of white wine, the longer the soak the better effect. Paojiu exterior coating the affected area. This side should not be taken orally. ' ^+ Y3 n( X3 F/ Z! n* m& f
61. Torreya walnut hair treatment: Health seeds, 6 (available in pharmacies), walnut 4, smashed the two drugs are shelled, Oriental Arborvitae 50 grams, the three drugs were trace and pickled , plus 200 grams of dilute brine, soak 7 days, you can use. Use: with a comb dipped in this liquid, constantly combing the hair so the hair is wet, twice daily, 2-3 months, the hair will not fall off, Guangrun and black. : M& ~& V" M$ A' `. e7 Z' n9 }8 n0 i
62. black bean paste Poria hair loss treatment: black beans 500 grams, Poria 500 grams, 60 grams of dandelion, 150 grams of crystal sugar. The black beans, Poria, dandelion (gauze) into the casserole with, add water, cook until a paste adequate to dandelion slag, adding rock sugar, slow fire collection of dry, chilled bottle storage stand. 3 times a day, each 20 grams, taken empty stomach before meals. For: alopecia areata, hair loss, seborrheic dermatitis.
% [: e* l( c5 m2 H. q9 L) U2 s 63. rule out the sender: to put a small amount of water, ginger and Chinese wolfberry boiled a while, and then the water put on clean hair, then set up the hair after about half an hour down, air dried, then washed about half a day. For 1 month, hair loss try.
( X3 [4 S: X6 g6 \- l% O# r8 c% e. P 64. Speranskia treatment of seborrheic alopecia: check Speranskia 45 grams, Jiantang Washing hair, fumigation for 20 minutes each time, do not rinse the hair after washing. Day 1,abercrombie pas cher, 3, and more effective in the medication, showed significantly reduced hair loss, scalp itching to reduce, to continue to adhere to the more medication.
5 O, B  ]: g7 k0 Q- a; a" @7 [0 m 65. summer melon skin with hair loss shampoo: Summer hair sticky and uncomfortable, frequent hair loss, dandruff and more, modern medicine called seborrheic alopecia, Chinese medicine, and \poison \To deal with seborrheic alopecia, can boil water melon skin shampoo. Because melon skin is Qingshu dampness of quality goods, the head can first use the melon skin while water infiltration, reuse of water will wash head.
' J6 B+ T3 {) a2 O+ x& F 66. potato skin wrinkles stretch: adding a little milk and boiled potatoes and then mashed into the mud, after the coating to cool in the face of 20-25 minutes. If you are oily skin, mash peeled potatoes can be cooked after adding a small amount of oat flour, mixed spreading face 15-20 minutes, then use warm water wash. In order to want to dry the skin soft, elastic, then the peeled potatoes can be cooked mash, adding a spoonful of yogurt, coating the face for 10-15 minutes, and then 40 ?? -50 ?? warm water washed.
$ d5 P( c/ c5 [3 z* x 67. grape skin delayed eyelid skin aging: grape leather with super-activation, which can effectively remove aging skin cells, promote new cell regeneration, to prevent wrinkles appear. Daily morning and evening after cleaning the grapes during the grape skin stripped smear around eyes, gently massage the skin stick to the eye can delay aging.
# n2 {! D8 c; {& K! f 68. melon peach kernel rule freckles: melon to take sub-skinned kernels, and peach kernel equal, total research and go-between, are used to make honey and mix into a paste, coating before going to sleep every night spots Department, the next morning to remove. . L6 J0 M/ ?" k+ H! v( x
69. clever play down the freckles of food: carrot juice: 2 spoons by adding 20 drops of lemon juice, carrot juice, 2-3 times a day wiping face 20 to-30 minutes after the wash. Tomato Sauce: tomato juice, adding a tablespoon of glycerin, this mixture of face 2-3 times per day, each wash for 10 minutes, then wash with water, painted skin cream point, make freckles disappear. Radish and tomato pieces: face wash, skin cream coating, and then caps and put a few slices of tomato or carrot pieces, 30 minutes, then cool the milk wash, facial skin and fine, white.
: H: {2 U# J7 u$ r" K 70. sesame oil mixed with spinach and clever addition to Hudie Ban: the latest study found that spinach extracts can inhibit the melanin in the skin calm, with the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of women face Hudie Ban, the reason may be Because spinach is rich in vitamin C,ralph lauren hoodies, vitamin E and folic acid. Fresh spinach from 100 to 150 g, washed, placed in boiling water, the Cheuk about 2 minutes, remove and drain water, immersed into cold water about 2 minutes, remove, the hand-crowding, water, cut into sections, adding salt, sesame oil, mix well and serve.
; i; h# V3 F' h9 T4 W- F7 C 71. honey freckle Oral side: Take 50 grams of honey and 50 ml vinegar blended, divided to 2, morning and evening with warm water 1 can be soothing beauty. Applied to rough skin, face from debris, raw chloasma, senile plaques are.
. R% Z# \) s. K7 w0 ~1 h 72. Freckles way: sheep bile, porcine pancreas, Asarum each equal parts. Pig pancreas with a bamboo stick bloodshot, fascia choose to go, sheep guts cut open and poured into the pot, adding water injection and appropriate. After three boiling fried, residue Extract, backup storage bottle. Tucha face every night, next morning face wash with water hydrate, a clear fire, expelling wind, soothing wrinkles, treatment of freckles and other effects.
) t: K8 l2 z/ e3 m) H' S) m 73. melon rule facial spots: take 2,000 grams peeled sliced melon, and rice wine 1.5 liter, 1 liter with boiled water, filtered juice add 500g sugar Ao Gao, take cream coated with hand massage.
8 J3 J! a' d9 N/ N6 B$ m: d- {: q 74. Night Service pepper to lose weight: the amount of pepper into the pot and fry paste, Gan into a powder, in the night between 12 pm to 1:00 (at this time of fasting) , scoop a teaspoon into the cup, add a little sugar, washed with water after the Beverage Service. 5 r+ v6 Q$ Z# |6 F" w6 w" j1 w5 I
75. bitter melon Weight Loss: It is found that bitter melon contains bitter elements inside, enabling the body to reduce the intake of fat and polysaccharide. Daily doses of 1 mg of the composition, can prevent the absorption of about 100 grams of fat. Bitter to receive weight-loss diet should be raw results, but also a day raw 2-3 can. Deficiency should not be eaten raw bitter cold stomach. Pregnant women should also be Shensi.
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