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[歌曲在线] 飞越风雨的鸽子

peiyee 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-11-28 02:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[rm]http://media1.minghui.org/media/music/2005/7/15/doveoverstorm-song.ram[/rm]/ D+ a" f# a8 M3 ^( w* z

; Y# U' O; X( b9 P作曲/演奏:托尼 作词/演唱:Drew Parker4 B4 V! H5 ]' n
4 ?, Y9 w: V7 b, z. L8 n: }6 |
Dove High Over the Storm' f, H+ Q" J4 z/ _+ z! T9 ~2 V
2 p1 ]; P& N9 O$ `# a3 V
I see you drifting through the veil of night, my lost young child
; R6 r) L. @! b9 W% I/ n5 vThese torn clothes and your face is bruised and red, what's happened child?2 M" z6 H; K. y# |( [
Did you say your parents were kidnapped?2 J- s9 W/ B5 z$ A7 o
No child, your parents can't be dead!! @$ N. A& B9 d6 W3 C/ O
My little lotus flower, crying in the dark$ t0 S- b" \* M0 u- _
Lotus flower, you've been starving in the streets, it breaks my heart
# X! `% A0 b& n: Y3 _/ ?+ BLotus flower, how can a child they beat, it breaks my heart! I# R  q) T! J) z" N) B+ c
9 G: L4 {; g" v3 K! C5 j6 Y
Child I will take you in* c' Q) p, q* S0 |" n  ?4 V& d
Child I will bring you home
# h7 N* x7 n; P/ H. G$ H# ?2 _And bring happiness back to you) W: {# G/ G5 F1 c' P" }/ Q# @, U
No more you'll suffer alone
! ^( U# R( X. A* XChild we will take you in7 s6 u' u( G4 S2 q/ v
Child we will bring you home% G+ w/ M* f9 R) K+ ^) h7 ~
You'll be a flower that sees the spring
$ M4 }+ u, T# K0 h- b# WSoon a dove flying high over the storm. ?6 N! V* C* Q& K9 X

6 U( C4 U- m6 f' x' |My young child, you scream each night fearing the monsters will come5 u( @  b! h; D% \9 e% k" \
And take your Grandma, just like they broke down your door and took your mom
, R3 ~( k  Y. L( ^2 u2 H  T4 }7 y+ ADid you say your teacher expelled you?! g$ m' u6 K) t+ \$ I8 r* [3 b
Even though you get the best grades in school?. ]+ G& T) w+ [7 q
My little lotus flower, crying in the dark8 P2 m* y7 ?9 _1 _' t1 v" W
Lotus flower, it's not wrong to tell the truth, or to be kind
  S: K9 Y7 ^6 W. g. z# T  ALotus flower, how can I stand by silent, your life's on the line?
& f* C$ z1 M" z3 X$ G& J$ [# l+ J+ F  R% _8 R
Child I will take you in7 {* v3 ~& R& ~7 {" k1 l
Child I will bring you home
) m1 C8 [: h& i; hAnd bring happiness back to you
! b1 H4 r$ o: hNo more you'll suffer alone  Y5 \7 |% P5 G" D- {
Child we will take you in! x) ]+ [  K: S
Child we will bring you home
7 M( E) T3 v. SYou'll be a flower that sees the spring
6 o5 j1 s& [3 [! o' v, SSoon a dove flying high over the storm& V$ [7 b+ I1 [3 Q
Soon a dove high over the storm  |: w; m7 y/ u3 V
# S1 ^; l" H6 Q
5 L: v0 B: R2 h" z+ d! ~# d, X# s飞越风雨的鸽子
- Q" D% b$ T$ _  Y
( Z0 D* X4 o+ z6 ]& E3 T2 E我的孩子,
# W' M& R" G9 d5 B/ N- }: I你为什么衣衫褴褛、满脸青肿悲伤的在夜幕中流浪
- Q: P+ t+ v$ O0 p+ _7 R/ t7 r哦,你说你的双亲被残酷迫害离开世上
0 s* t* ]% z2 e( v3 ^0 W哦,我在黑夜中流泪的小莲花啊
  n! X9 r: K5 v2 w, Y我不知道这些恶人为什么/ O: _/ R* K. M! z) H0 d
狠心打你、害死你善良的爹娘* W2 c) E3 B8 q7 i! N1 m
难道就因为你们有“真善忍”信仰?2 d/ v9 p* i  k. X" \1 [6 m
我的心已碎,我的泪在淌7 w' c- P5 v$ w( @' p. G

8 S2 }+ m) X$ J5 e) R9 _6 K- H孩子,来吧,来吧
. A5 Z6 u2 V5 ?' A' O" Z% O我带你回家" O) k; N. D2 ]. ?. I" h
5 c; q# v$ |* k" i0 `# l让快乐从新回到你身上
$ E9 Z- [% ~+ C8 c7 n孩子,来吧,来吧
0 ?- |; \0 _. Z4 {+ b+ Z我带你回家- Q. P3 V" M6 n3 n* b! a  U2 O' d4 c
你将成为冬尽春来的小花朵- P% B8 ^9 m' a5 N% K" Y
你将成为飞越风雨的鸽子9 t6 Z! M6 k; v

8 f: @' F" W# Y3 A$ o我的孩子4 Y+ E4 E7 |( L+ b4 A9 [1 M! D5 j
你说你每晚都怕魔鬼破门而入抓走你的亲人6 l) G" S/ O: h
哦,你说你学习很好却被老师赶出学校& Q) U. C  {+ |
; J# W4 Y! r. P+ r8 A你维护真理讲真象不是错
& f. H5 U# p$ J; s2 G( {$ `那是你心中的纯真和善良
; Z  ^3 V! }8 A/ H我们虽然互不相识、远隔重洋# n+ R8 r; \" L+ @, [7 F
5 J# t6 r6 D" H! [* ~7 {; ^( X. ~1 ?% ~+ ]
孩子,来吧,来吧: j# z2 L% B8 p' A
我带你回家/ K4 [+ P; h7 k9 h9 K4 Y  Z7 x
你将不再被孤独恐惧包围# d- Q, S. Q* \( g0 X, M
2 o3 @  |) [; c0 `: I4 l孩子,来吧,来吧* P1 s, o1 s" U# g$ a, X# K6 q
我带你回家6 }" S& \/ V: _  v  s  m/ P
你将成为冬尽春来的小花朵) }/ x% x" @) @4 |& g0 T  v2 h
2 O3 r% T8 g5 |! H/ d/ S* d你将成为飞越风雨的鸽子$ y% L$ e4 m9 o9 N% a( b" X' O! G' t

' z. [0 h" M8 Q, B3 o* T( m小南: 歌曲无法播放 请尽快更改地址  u: R, A% ?! G
, Q3 S# l' v: E. o, n/ k. l
[ 本帖最后由 五秒钟 于 2007-11-28 11:45 编辑 ]
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